Chapter 4

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"You need to make your movements less stiff," Lapis instructed. Agate had agreed to let one of the Lapis Lazulis help her with controlling and using water a few months ago. She didn't know if she should become one of Roses soldiers since she didn't do much to aid the rebellion. She wanted to use her abilities safely and without actually hurting anyone. She already used it to destroy once, she did not want to again.
"I know, I'm trying, okay?" she snapped frustratedly. They've been practicing for four days without a single break.
"Just slow down. You're pushing yourself too hard and too fast. Just take a minute to breathe and relax." Lapis sat and glanced at Agate, clearly wanting her to join her.
"Breathe slow. Take your time. Close your eyes if it helps."
"Your starting to sound like Garnet."
"I know, but at least try to comply. It can work wonders, you know."
"I know how to breathe, and I know how to get water to do my bidding, but I want to know how to use it properly!" Agate was just getting annoyed.
"I think you need to take a break. Take a day or two off." The Lazuli was getting up to leave.
"I don't need a break, I need to keep practicing," Agate tried.
"I think I agree with Lapis on this one."
Agate jumped at the familiar voice behind her. She saw it was just Milky leaning against a pillar.
"I think that's my cue to go. We'll keep training in a few days." Lapis summoned her water wings and flew off. Agate stared frustratedly as she flew off to who knows where.
"Sorry if I crashed the party. You've been here for a while." Milky greeted.
"It's alright. I just wanted to train for a week or so. Wanna go spar?"
"Not really. You've been working hard for how long? Eight months? Yea, sure, you sat around awhile, but you haven't even watched the stars. That's unlike you."
"But what about you? You have all the time to do what you want and you can choose. You never seem to think about what you want." Agate reasoned. She never heard her say, 'I want to...' or 'I'd like it if...' it was always just 'I can do fill in the blank if you want me to' or 'do you want fill in the blank'. Even when it came to battle, she protected the gem that was closest to her, no matter who it was. Selflessness like this could get her shattered.
Agate felt her limbs going heavy. She knew she would be getting tired from this kind of training, but the didn't think it would actually make her too tired. Her gemstone was supposed to provide all the energy she needed. She walked over to Milky and sat beside her.
"I don't really think I want anything..." Milky had a slight blush on her face and her hand fidgeted with a strand of loose hair.
"You're lying."
"I know..."
"Is there anything you want to do? The battle plans are made and reinforcements are up, so you should be free." Agate knew Milky was one of the soldiers.
"I'm not sure. It's been a long time since you took the time to relax or enjoy yourself. It gets kind of lonely. Should we take a hike? You barely left base for a week and a half."
"I'm not sure. I was there so long so I could help build the Fountain."
"Forget the Fountain for now. We both need a break. Besides, my ax is getting dull and this gives me a chance to sharpen it." Milky summoned her ax from her gem, and of course, it was dull. It was so bad that it didn't look like it could cut through the inside of a watermelon.
They walked through a forest and hoped to see something new. There was an occasional tribe of humans and wildlife everywhere. When they saw rabbits and squirrels that were dumb enough to get caught in traps the humans planted, they let them out. Humans had plenty of vegetables, after all.
Milky suddenly froze. A butterfly landed on her face and she stared at it bewildered and
cross-eyed. She obviously had no idea how to react.
Agate giggled. "I see the power is too much for you to behold!"
Milky was still staring at the butterfly that was crawling on her face. "Don't judge me; I don't know how to get it off without hurting it."
"Let me try."
Milky bent down and Agate carefully worked her fingers underneath the butterfly's feet. It felt kind of prickly. She held it in her hands and it just stayed there. Its wings were beautiful. Orange with black stripes and white spots along the perimeter. Or was it black with orange stripes?
"Whoa, let me try!" Milky held out her hands like a human child. It took some time, but it crawled into her hands. She would definitely get a better view of its wings from here. Without warning, it flew off. They watched it fly to a tree and flutter from flower to flower. "That was awesome," Milky said quietly.
"You looked like you lost all your brain cells for a second there," Agate joked.
"Technically, we don't have brain cells. We're literally light projections."
"True, true."
They walked and talked, mostly joking around and talking about what they thought Earth would be like if they won. It was relieving since Agate spent much of her time training herself to be stronger, but safer. She hoped she could become a soldier in a decade or two. Before eight months ago, Agate barely did anything to help the Crystal Gems. Though they worried about her, they questioned if she was a Crystal Gem at all. She questioned herself often. She felt more determined to do something after Milky joined them. She didn't understand how or why. Perhaps it was the fact that Milky was so powerful and capable. Or competition. Competing to see who can be more useful or stronger. Maybe something else. She just didn't know.
The sun was going down when she realized Milky brought her back to their stargazing spot. The same place Agate spent her first day on planet earth. Even though it was only about eight months, it felt like eternities since she sat here and counted and named the stars. She never realized she missed it until she felt its familiarity surround her.
Milky sat down and Agate followed her. The sunset was so similar to the first time they watched, except more peach colored clouds. The sun was slowly sinking behind the mountains. They watched in silence for a few hours.
Milky shifted as if she was nervous. Agate realized she was leaning on her and quickly jumped away. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable!" She felt her face getting hot. She knew they were friends, but they never actually held each other in any way. Not even a hug. It just felt awkward.
"No, no, it's okay. I'm not mad." Milky said. Her face was still blushed. "Just took me by surprise."
"How long have I been leaning on you...?" Agate's voice shook. She hasn't leaned on anyone except Rose. But that wasn't weird, she was like what humans called a 'mother.' She looked to Rose for guidance. Milky was just her friend, and she only knew her for a few months. Leaning on her just didn't feel right. At least, not yet.
"A few hours, I think..."
She turned to leave. "Sorry, sorry..." she mumbled, but she felt a hand gently grip her wrist.
"It's okay, really. You can stay if you want."
Agate nodded and sat back down beside her. Not another word was said the whole night.
"Is it true? You have a lion?" Agate asked.
Rose was getting sweaty. "I don't have a lion..."
"That's good, because-"
"I have seven."
"...Good god, Rose."
(I just put this cuz why not)

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