Here TOO?

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His friend, Abhi put away that. How many times we have to tell you not to look at that rubbish! Here we are here to enjoy!

Abhi looks back in dismay.

His friends try to cheer him up and takes his phone away from him.

It's been few weeks after the incident at school. As expected by him on of the student in the school had taken a video of his punishment and uploaded in social media platform.

Although the video had been taken off by Abhi's hacker friend but it had been shared by many. As a result, Abhi is facing a lot of comments that makes him upset.

Abhi, Enough friends! I understand you all make this arrangement of me coming here to cheer me up but I can't until the bad name on me is removed. It was not my fault that day. It's very upsetting to get a bad name for something I never do.

He then was on his way back to his resort.

His friends didn't stop him as they know he still needed time to be normal.

One of his friend, Maybe we should tell him the truth. Look how worried he is yaar.

Another friend replied, If we tell him now then he will surely hate us and be more upset. He will be upset about the kind of friends he is having.

The rest of the friends agreed with him and decided to tell the truth to Abhi when he is back to normal.

On his way, Abhi was thinking how worse everything had turned. Even his uncle was unhappy towards him.

It was not my fault! But still I am facing the punishment.


I don't want to hear anything. Don't disturb me.

Abhi replied but wondered why his friend spoke like a girl.

He turned behind to look and saw the person who was responsible for his plight now.

Abhi, You're Here TOO? Shit!

You can't shit here. She replied innocently.

Abhi, You came all the way to Mauritius to say this?

No! I was here with my family and happen to see you from a distance. I am sorry about that day. I realized the next day itself that you were not wrong.

Abhi, Too Late! I am already being wronged by so many people.

I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have insisted Principal to give a harsh punishment like that.

She told sounding guilty of her actions.

Abhi, Ya ya now you tell sorry and all.

He said and turns to walk away unable to stand her presence.

Please listen! I am really sorry. I can help you in erasing the bad name you have now.

Abhi stopped walking ahead and turned back.

I really can help you! Trust me! I have a proof that you're innocent.

Abhi, Proof?

She then tells how she came across a letter with the same handwriting as the previous one.

Abhi, Oh.... But if it's a student then I don't want to investigate this further.

NO! it's definitely not a student as I have observed everyone after you have left and also checked their handwriting. Nobody seem to have a crush on you and no handwriting was matching the letter. I also inquired the peon. According to him, it's someone from outside who delivered the letter through post. And it was always for you.

Abhi, You did all this for me? You don't have to do right? It's like extra work!

I felt guilty Mr. Abhi. And it is not at all extra work. I was just trying to make sure truth not to be hidden.

Abhi smiles warmly and she says, Once you're back to India, I hope we can meet and try to find the person behind this.

Abhi, I am thinking of not returning to India though.

No please. Please come back to India and get back your name. You're such a good teacher and all your students are missing you.

Abhi, They got to be missing me because of the generous free periods that I give.

He says and chuckles to himself.

She replied, That's true though. And even some students feel not interested in English classes now as their most handsome English teacher had left work.

Abhi, Most handsome huh?

According to them! Not to me Mr. Abhi.

Abhi, I know. I was just asking to check again.

Well....actually I am getting late. I have to go now.

Abhi, Sure! Bye!

She then quickly says the resort that she and her family are now and leaves.

Abhi, Strange! Back in India she never talks to me at all but outside of India, she is talking a lot to me.

The most strange thing is I don't remember her name! Yes I am so petrified of her looks and complaints against me that I don't remember her name. I shall just call her Ms. Complainer! One good thing now is she is willing to help me find the person responsibile for my plight! But still I have to punish her for her punishment for me.


Mr. Abhi! How can you do such a thing? I thought you were......

Abhi glanced at his friends before running away from there.

He ran? That too not even explaining himself for his actions!

Hope it was interesting! Thank you for the feedback for intro!

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