"Oh please, you only wish I was." Levi bit his lower lip before his eyes locked on to Brielle's.

"Hi, I'm Ian. You are?" Before she had time to really notice, Ian had plopped down on the other side of her and was staring at Levi intensely.

"I'm Levi Young. Nice to meet you." He added, his tone changing noticeably.

"Oh yeahh, I know you. Captain of the varsity soccer team, right?"

"The one and only." Levi grinned smugly before he turned his attention back to Brielle.

"What on Earth could the captain of the soccer team want with an ordinary girl like myself?" Brielle asked, her cheeks aflame.

"The captain of the soccer team wanted to know if you were interested in attending a party of his tonight." The boy smirked as Brielle opened her mouth to say something. "But I want you to text me the answer, considering I never got a message from you last night." He winked playfully before standing from his seat on the cold steps.

"I'll consider it under one condition." Levi lowered his hand down to the girl who still sat on the stairs, which Brielle took reluctantly before being pulled to her feet.

"Anything." Levi purred.

"Let me bring some friends with me." The stubborn blonde crossed her arms over her chest, her jaw set in place. If he wanted her there, she had to bring some familiars with her. Because no way in hell was she stupid enough to show up to a strange guys house completely alone.

Levi's eyes darted over to Ian before he nodded at Brielle. "Seems fair to me. But remember, if you want the address, you have to text me."

"I'll consider it." She raised her voice as Levi descended down the stairs.

"Hopefully I'll see you tonight then." With those final words, Levi disappeared into the crowd of students that were milling about the schoolyard.

"Oh you will!" Ian answered for the girl.

"Ian!" Brielle scolded as she socked him in the rib cage.

"Listen, if you don't hit that, then I absolutely fucking will." Ian joked as the large smile on his face faded away at a sight somewhere behind him. "Speaking of, I hope Lip is using a condom."

"Huh?" Brielle asked, suddenly confused as she pivoted on her heel to see what Ian was even talking about. Just as she turned around, Lip came busting out of the front doors with a short, blonde girl latched on to his hand. With furrowed brows, Brielle turned her attention back to the severely annoyed Ian. "Who is that?"

"Karen Jackson. Biggest whore of the south side." Ian muttered with disgust as he shook his head and began ushering her down the stairs. "I've told him not to mess with that girl but Lip does what Lip wants to do."

Brielle shrugged it off as her and Ian made their way down the stairs and away from the large crowd of neanderthals that still lingered around the area. "It's not your business and you don't know that she's a slut. Plus, if she is, who cares?" She tried to justify as she glanced towards Lip, only to be greeted by the sight of him and Karen Jackson locking lips. Something about seeing Lip all over her seemed to irk Brielle for some unknown reason.

"Bri, she lives right down the street from us. That bitch has more traffic through her door than the McDonald's over on Saint Claire." He laughed as Brielle tried to play it off.

"Whatever. Anyway, so this party tonight? You're going with me, right?" She nudged Ian's shoulder as she desperately tried to change the subject.

"I work at Kash's tonight, but I can head over when I get off."

"Hey, wait up!" Lip's voice called from somewhere behind the pair as he ran to catch up.

"I'm sure Lip would be interested in going though." Ian smirked a mischievous grin in Brielle's direction that in turn caused her to forehead to furrow in an intense glare.

"Going where?" Lip asked as he popped a cigarette into his mouth. Without thinking about why, Brielle snatched the freshly lit cigarette from Lip's mouth before taking a long drag of it herself. Lip grinned at the girl before pulling two more from the pack, handing one off to Ian.

"Brielle's boyfriend is having a party tonight and I have to work, so you need to go with her." Ian added as he lit his cigarette.

"Levi?" Lip questioned as his brows knitted.

"He's not my fucking boyfriend Ian, cut it out with that shit." Bri snapped at him.

"Not usually my crowd, but free alcohol at some rich dochebag's house? Count me in." Lip shrugged as a large cloud of smoke was released into the air.

"Plus I bet we could score some pretty valuable stuff." Ian smirked over at Lip, who nodded in agreement.

"We are not robbing Levi." Brielle declared, her voice full of authority. "Seriously, you two." Her eyes traveled between to two scheming Gallagher brothers.

"You have our word." Lip winked in Ian's direction as if Brielle didn't catch it.

"You're still gonna rob him, aren't you?" The girl sighed as she took one final drag from the cigarette before flicking it into the streets.

"Yep." Lip and Ian said in unison.



Hella short update! But there's no reason to drag this chapter out more than necessary. My usual word count/chapter length is anywhere between 2,000 to 4,000 words, but every now and then I like to do short filler updates, just to keep you guys interested. What are your thoughts on Levi now? Do you think his intentions are good or bad? How do you think Bri feels about Lip and Karen? Stay tuned for chapter five, where shit really starts to go down. Enjoy!

-Blu ❥

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