-Chapter 5- Pain

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Quick Recap: Nathan and Rosalia go to Venus Majestic Hotel to meet with Joseph. When they arrive, there's tension between Joseph and Nathan, although Rosalia doesn't know why. Nathan sits Rosalia down and explains her being sired to him. He takes a notice to how loyal she is to Joseph and asks if she'll be just as loyal to him. Rosalia only answers by saying if he gives her reason to be.

-Chapter 5- Pain


"By apprentice, what exactly do you mean?" I asked, changing the subject of Jospeh's and I's relationship.

He noticed but answered anyway. "He's already taught you the hunt, basic fighting technique and thinking on your feet. All of that was displayed earlier tonight."

He stood up from his sitting position on the table and walked back over to the couch.

"You show remarkable progress. A lot faster than the usual newborn." he leaned back on the couch, "which is why you have to be the most valuable asset to me."

"Asset? If this is going to turn into some hire-to-kill gig, I'm out."

He chuckled. "Rosalia, I don't need to hire you to make you kill someone. You'll do that upon your own will."

I narrowed my eyes. "What exactly does being sired involve?"

He looked towards the window on the other side of the room and slowly dragged his eyes back to me. "You do as I request. Basically."

"Can you give me a more complex, thorough answer?" I gritted.

"Thorough, huh?" he licked his lips. "Let's see, if I say jump, you jump. If I want someone dead, you kill."

He looked at me as if he were undressing me. It was like he could actually see everything underneath my clothing. I felt violated almost.

"And if I want to fuck," he smirked, "then you'll be happy to oblige."

"You're sick!" I splat. "You think I'll actually do as you say? You've got another thing coming if that's what you expect from me. I bow to no one."

"Correction: you bowed to no one. But now that I'm here, you're rightful master, you will do as I say." he flicked his hand.

"Do I get any say?" I asked more to myself than him.

"Of course. I'm not completely vile. But you're special so, I'd like to think you'd at least take a bullet for me." he joked.

"Why would I take a bullet for you when you probably wouldn't do the same? It's ludicrous."

His eyes darkened to a midnight blue. "I would never play with your life. And I would take a bullet for you if that's what it came to."

I pushed my hair back, "Why should I believe you?"

"You're still alive, aren't you?"

I raised my eyebrow in mockery. "Should I be thanking you? My apologies for being rude, oh mighty Creator of mine."

"You may not be aware, Rosalia, but if any of my other creations spoke to me as you do, I would've snapped their little necks by now." he said coolly.

I swallowed, "Then why don't you? I'm practically begging for it." I dared.

He stared at me for what seemed like centuries. "Because you intrigue me. There will never be a better answer, so don't try looking for one."

"That's why Joseph didn't act." I muttered.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2014 ⏰

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