-Chapter 3- Master

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-Chapter 3- Master


I looked at him up and down, being sure to observe any future moves he might make. He had straight black on. Black button up rolled up to his elbows, black jeans, black shoes, and the same dark black hair. His saphire eyes stood out and shined in the dim light. He hasn't aged a day, of course.

"And what makes you think you can have me?" I sarcasticly asked.

He smirked, "I like you better when you're conscious. A lot more feisty."

I wiped my bloody hands on the off white bed sheets, which probably had a million gross sex germs on it. I simply flung the sheet and walked pass the man. As I was making my way down the hall, it didn't go unnoticed that he was following me. Albeit a few feet away I could hear his footsteps and smell his masculine cologne. Strange. I thought of him earlier, and now he's here.

I felt my body hit the wall before I could even process what was going on. At first instict, I lunged forward only to be pushed back. His hands were on my shoulders, pinning me back and his fangs were scraping my neck.

My panic slowed and I tried to force my way out his grip. He took his time smelling me and his hold just got tighter by the minute.

"It won't matter if you drink from me. I'm a vampire, and I'll just come back."

"What makes you think my intent is to kill you?"

"You're a stranger that walked in on me feeding. You could be working for the greater good."

He laughed against my neck. "So you think I am going to kill you because you killed your vile rapists?"

"There's really no other reason I can think of." I gasped as his tongue slid across my collarbone.

"Or maybe, just maybe, I find you fascinating. Confident. Absolutely, " he looked in my eyes, "breathtaking."

I swiftly lifted my knee to hit him where the sun don't shine, but he pushed me even closer to the wall, leaving a crack. He trapped my legs between his own and chuckled.

"Nice try. Now how about we, and by we I mean you, stop being so violent. I just want to talk."

"Sorry, but I've got plans."

He smirked. "I'm sure you can spare me a few minutes. It's not like you have a choice anyway."

I smirked back, "Oh, really?"

I twisted under his hold and grabbed the back of his head and slammed it against the wall. Being a vampire, he would've been able to recuperate quickly so, I kicked him repeatedly until he stopped struggling to get back up. I know it sounds cruel, but hey, the guy wouldn't let me go. He had it coming.

"Like I said, I've got plans." I twinkled my fingers in a mock good bye and walked away.

He didn't follow, which was a smart move on his part. I saw the same exact thing as I was leaving the house. A bunch of wasted low lives getting high. I shook my head in disgust, and slammed the door closed as I made my way out.

Not even 50 feet away from the house and I was being tackled to the ground. I could feel a slight sting on my knee and cursed as it healed itself. "What the fuck?!"

I was pinned on the ground with a heavy body over my own. It wasn't hard to recognize the crisp, black shirt.

"Sorry, " he smiled, "but you wouldn't listen."

I pushed him off me and got up, dusting the dirt off the back of my skirt. The skirt had risen up on my thighs and the zig zag pattern was slightly dirty because of the fall. I just bought this too.

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