Chapter 3 'Excuse'

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  We ran for what seemed like forever; until we came  to a bridge. He let go of my hand and took a cigarette  out from his shirt pocket. He offered me one, but I refused. He shrugged and proceeded to light his cigarette. He stood there smoking for awhile. I watched as the smoke from his mouth formed wisps from his mouth. He finished his cigarette and snuffed it out on the bridge.  Finally he decided to speak.
  'Hey, are you okay?' I was shocked by his voice. It was deeper than I'd thought it would be, but it had melodious undertone to it.

   I nodded. I wanted to talk, to tell him 'thanks,' but my mouth was betraying me. He quietly nodded and said, 'good.'
   He turned back to look out at the water the bridge was over, then he turned around and said, 'My name is Cean. Don't worry about thanking me, anyone would have done the same if they saw that asshole.'
     I wanted to say my name back to him, but I just didn't know how at that moment. I felt like crying. I was fighting back the tears, when Cean bent down to look me in the eyes while brushing away my bangs. I felt my heart do that weird skipping thing again.
   'You, don't look so well. I think I should take you home now,' Cean stood up, and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, sheltering me from the night air. The last thing I remembered about that night was thinking that he smelled quite nice.

    Since that night at the bar I could not get Cean out of my head. Nor could I shake the feeling I was nearly raped. I barely remembered how I got back to the dorm. Mott told me that Cean was the one who dropped me at home. I was too out of it then because it seemed too hard to believe like everything was just part some surreal dream. Plus this morning, Cean was being his usual quiet self. He didn't say two words to me; especially about that night. I didn't care really, we weren't friends or anything.

     Class was about to start when one of the school's beauties walked in the room. She was every guys dream girl on campus. As a guy myself, I found those surveys and beauty contests to be quite ignorant and a waste of school funding.
      This girl had every guys attention. They were drooling like a pack of hungry wild dogs looking at her like she was a fresh slab of meat.  She had all their attention except for one guy in the class, and that was Cean. She was headed towards him. I watched as she came up to his desk and bent down over him showing off her womanly goods. She smiled while twirling her finger with her hair, 'Cean, honey. Can you go shopping with me this afternoon?'
    I felt this hotness rise up from the back of my neck. Who was this girl, and why was she talking to Cean like they were a couple?
    Cean looked at her and told her, 'Sorry Queenie, I can't. Go with someone else.'
      Hearing his voice brought small flashes of that night back to my mind. I did suddenly remember him speaking to me that night, but I don't remember all of what he said. Did he tell me his name? No wait, Star told me his name I think. Anyway, it wasn't like at the moment he was going to jump up and introduce himself.
    Queenie pouted, 'Come on Cean, you and I are the campus hotties. We must be together. Please go shopping with me.'
'Queenie, I have plans. Now go away please.'
     'With who, Cean?! Is it another girl? What is her name, what class is she in? Is she prettier than me?'
'Will you calm down, you are causing a scene. If you must know I am studying with another classmate later today.'
       'Who then, Cean, who?'

    Getting up from his desk, Cean walked and stood by me while placing a hand on my shoulder he replied,
'I am studying with him later, so therefore I can't go shopping with you. Okay?'
       'Whatever, but you and I will be together no matter what,' Queenie said in what seemed like sort of a threat. I shuddered as she left the room. I had forgotten for a moment that Cean used me as an excuse to not go shopping.
     'Hey, next time ask before you use someone as excuse to get out of doing something,' I fumed.
'Hmm what was that? Oh, right sorry. I just saw you, and you always have your head in a book, so I thought saying I'd be studying with someone who likes to study would work as a viable excuse.'
     I looked down feeling my face get hot. He got really close to me, too close.
  'You know you are quite cute when you try to hide your emotions, but can't. It's the same when you tried to stop crying that other night.'
    I pushed him away from me, I felt embarrassed enough without him teasing me all of a sudden.
  'What is your name?,' he asked smiling. I still wasn't sure if he was teasing or asking seriously.
But, I told him anyway, 'My name is Koy.'
  'Hmm, Koy. I like it. I did tell you my name, but I have this feeling you probably don't remember. I am Cean spelled c-e-a-n, but pronounced like Shawn. It's nice meeting you Koy.'

   Cean reached out and shook my hand. His hand felt warm. I pulled my hand away and mentioned it was nice meeting him too. That was our official introduction of each other to one another.


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