New Beginnings

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

I slam my hand on my phone, effectively turning off my alarm. Eventually, I roll out of bed, deciding I should be getting ready for the day ahead. I throw on a pair of high waisted jeans, and a cropped and striped t-shirt. I then do my hair, makeup, and add a few accessories. That's just life, I suppose. I've always liked putting effort into my appearance, and it's seemed to gain me a few friends, so I don't mind.

I munch on some toast, say goodbye to mom and dad, and head out the door. I walk for about five minutes until I meet Chloe at the bus stop. She encases me in a VERY tight hug.

"Hey bitch! Been a long time, huh? You ready for the first day of school?" she asks me.

"Uh, yeah! Was there ever an option?"

We banter for awhile until the bus comes. This girl with beautiful, long, blonde hair, is motioning Chloe to come over.

Chloe leans in to tell me something, "There was a bit of a boy-emergency with Brooke last night, so... go make some friends?"

The only available seat is by this boy who appears to be constantly nervous.

"Is this seat taken?" I ask.

"Yes! I mean no! It's not! You can sit!" He responds.

I sit down, and the bus stops moving again. "I'm Y/N, I just moved here from Rhode Island. What's your name?"

"My name? Oh, Jeremy. Jeremy Heere. And that's not me saying 'Jeremy is here,' it's just that Heere is my last name,"

"Well, Jeremy, I hope we can become good friends!" I put my hand on his shoulder to drive in the point.

"Y-Yeah! Me too!" He turned away quickly and stared out the window.

Oh my god, he's so hot! Cute! Handsome! Whatever word you would use to describe him, it's a good one!

Soon enough, we're at the school. "I guess we're Heere, huh?" I joke. He lets out a nervous laugh.

"Heh, see you around, Y/N!" He tells me before he goes to talk to this dude in a red hoodie with white headphones.

I meet up with Chloe and her friend, Brooke. They fill me in on what happened to Brooke. Her boyfriend cheated on her with Madeline! Scandalous.

Eventually we get inside the school, and Chloe introduces me to the local gossip, Jenna Rolan. Any questions about people's personal lives, I go straight to Jenna.

While we're in our little circle, someone taps me on the shoulder. Jeremy?!

"Uh, hey, Y/N, I was wondering if you wanted to sit with Michael and I at lunch?" he nervously asks.

"Fuck off Jeremy, she doesn't want to wear your cat ears!" Chloe yells, "And don't you lay a finger on her, or else I will claw your pathetic eyes out with my acrylic nails! Got it?"

Jeremy nods and runs away.

"He's just some loser. We get a lot of attention around here, but you eventually learn how to deal with it," she explains.

"I don't know Chloe, he's... how do I say this... attractive?"

She looks at me with disgust. "You'd seriously date him? Fine, you can learn about him the hard way. Go have lunch with him, I don't care."

Chloe was never very kind, but she always respected me and my feelings. Maybe she's right? But at the same time, I can't get Jeremy out of my head! What to do, what to do?!

Gamer Boy {Jeremy Heere x Reader // Be More Chill}Where stories live. Discover now