IX. thank you

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After a little while longer at Felix's house of them all comforting me, I was tired and really wanted to go home. Felix offered to walk home with me, and I was very thankful for that. I said my goodbyes to everyone else and me and Felix start walking to my house.

"This reminds me of the first time you walked me home haha." I say to him. He smiles a bit.

"Yeah, little nostalgic." He says.

"Thanks for doing that again. I cant stand up to him like that at all." I thank him, he really is an amazing friend.

"That's what friends are for, Y/N. Plus, you helped me so much, might as well return the favour." We both laugh a bit, then we shortly arrive at my house.

"Thanks again, Felix." I repeat.

"That's like the 8th thanks now." We both laugh a bit more. He really knows how to make me laugh, and I love that about him.

"Okay, goodnight Felix!" I wave to him as I unlock my door.

"Goodnight!" He yells back. As I close my door, I run all the way back up to the window on the top floor to see him walking away. Again, he does the same thing, he stands there for a few moments and finally starts walking back.


🇬🇧Sorry this is so shoorttt
🇸🇪Förlåt detta är så koorttt

Word Count: 224

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