III. fake

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I woke up with the sun beaming through the window. I grab my phone and look at the date today. Wednesday, March 6th, recording day. Then tomorrow I upload the video. I decided to do a vlog, I haven't done one in like 4 months. I walk over, grab my video camera and start shooting.

"Hey, so today was a little spontaneous. I decided I wanted to do a vlog since I havent done one in a while so... here!" I continue on and show around my house I recently moved into. I do a little clothing haul since I havent done one in months either so the fans would be satisfied. I decided to go to the festival at the park this afternoon and vlog it. I turn off the camera to change into nicer clothes. Then, I thought about Felix, and what happened. I decided to text him, just to see how he's holding up. Who knows, maybe I could turn his day around?

Y/N: Hey Felix! I hope you're feeling a bit better today! I know what you're going through is hard, but I wanted to let you know that you dont have to shove the pain so far down. It's okay to let it out! Again, hope you are doing better!

I thought it would be nice for him to hear that... he isnt alone. Who am I to tell him that? All I am is just another person on the street. He has 90 million subscribers, I shouldn't be talking to someone as great as him. Suddenly, the discord notification goes off... it's from Felix!

saladass: thanks for that. I appreciate your concern.

Felix's POV

Her... little message. Her empathy, her concern. It could be fake for all I know. Everything's... been fake. Even these fans who follow me like little soldiers, I bet they only pity me. Like I'm their messiah. But... I'm not. I'm just another loser. Even I am fake. Her words ring in my head. Then, another discord from someone.

Jackiboy: hey felix. I was hoping you would want to head to the festival in the park later? To get your mind settled.

saladass: sure. If you want to.

I guess I'm going out today. Even though Jack is my best friend. I cant help but distance myself from everyone. Waiting for them to just... leave.

Time Skip

Jack arrives at my house early so we could talk.

"Hey, buddy. I hope you're okay." He says to me patting my back.

"Its just been... frustrating." I say running my hands through my hair.

"I mean, I cant believe how stressful that would be. But I'm here for you, bud. Let's try to get your mind cleared from it and enjoy ourselves at the festival, okay?" He says, sincerely. I nod and we start walking to the festival.

The festival wasnt too crowded and people havent noticed me yet. I decided to wear stuff I dont normally wear so it's harder for fans to recognize me. Suddenly, I hear a "Oh my god!" Me and Jack turn reluctantly, hoping it wasnt a fan. My eyes must be deceiving themselves. It was a fan, yes, but not one of ours. Then, I hear "C/N! It's really you!". It was, the girl from yesterday. She's a... youtuber? She sweetly greets the fan and takes a picture with them. Then, she pulls out a vlogging camera and starts vlogging.

"Uh, Felix?" Jack starts waving his hand in front of my head. I snap back at him. "Do you know her?" He questions. I hesitate to answer, do I lie or do I tell the truth?

"Yeah, I do. I actually bumped into her yesterday. She was in danger so I let her in my house. She wanted to wait in case the guy was waiting for her. She wanted to make small talk and, tried to help me. In the end, she gave me her discord to make sure I was okay." I explain to Jack.

"Well, that's nice of her! Hey, we should invite her to hang out with us! It'll just be nicer to have more friends around!" He seemed a little too excited for this. Was she a friend? I only just met her. I let out a heavy sigh.

"The more, the merrier, I guess." I say, drenched with sarcasm. He noticed but didnt seem to care and walks over to her. I see them exchange a few words and they both head back to me.

"Hey, Felix!" She waves politely. She was, a very nice girl. She didn't seem like someone who would even hurt a fly. Though she was energetic, she also seemed so nervous and on edge all the time. I think it's because shes with two successful youtubers. We all walk around the festival, looking at everything it had to offer. To be honest, it was nice. And Y/N, she definitely is a very sweet, innocent girl. After we got home, I decided to watch one of her videos. She was even the same in her videos, as she is in person. She wasnt... fake.

Word Count: 861

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