Chapter 3 : Strangers ?

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After school , Danny is waiting for you outside the reception office , he has no idea what happened in class today because he wasn't there . You suddenly come round the corner , moving angrily, holding the arm of your bag so tight you could break it.
"Hey! What's the matter with you ?" Danny spoke in more of a firm tone .
"Nothing! Why does everyone always think something is wrong with me ?" You start to shout but In a low voice .
"Well , considering you have just strutted along the corridor at a face past and you have tears in your eyes oh and don't forget the little piece of scrunched up paper in your hand" he pronounced.
He was right , you have been so caught up in your own little world , the one going on in your head you didn't even realise or remember that you had a piece of paper in your hand. You take a look at Danny he's giving you a sympathetic look .
"Fine I understand you now , is it ok if I wait outside?" You sighed
Danny nods his head . You start to make your way outside , you find an abandoned bench that no one is using you take at least a little bit of energy to throw your bag on to it then you park yourself down after . Your sat there looking at the floor , moving your feet in all different directions , to make you look less awkward .
"Hey" you hear a voice come from the side of you , you gain composure and look up . Well you couldn't really believe your eyes , there was a medium height/size boy stood to the side of you he had jet black hair , a fairly big Adidas bag that was hanging on one arm , he had an amazing smile , and you couldn't deny it , he was very good looking . But you recognise him from some where , but you ain't sure where from .
"Oh how rude of me , I'm James , James Jones , I'm new hear" he spoke as he messed with his hair you could hardly find words to actually use because you was too busy looking at him . Then you snap back to reality.
"Oh erm I-I'm Gabriella but my friends just call me Gabi"
"Well then it's very nice to meet you Gabi" he smiled as he put out his hand for you to shake . You grab his hand softly and you start to shake it , he looks you dead in the eye , it almost looks like he has diamond eyes because all you could see them do was shine in the sun light . He gestures to you to make sure it's ok if he sits beside you , you nod .
"So , are you ok after what happened earlier ?" He sorta looked down as he spoke , with no emotion at all.
~In your Mind~ wait a second how on earth does he know about today's events ?
Ohhhh that's why I recognise him , he's the new kid who sits on the desk at the side of me.
Wait , but how did I not notice he was this attractive before ? Do I really not pay attention in class ?
"Erm...are you ok ?" He sorta looked at you confused
"Oh yeah , sorry I sorta zoned out for a second , meh I could be better " you sigh
Then all of a sudden you feel his hand intertwine with yours he places a piece of paper  in your hand , gives your hand a little squeeze . He then stands up .
"Well it very nice to meet you Gabi" he winks at you then walks away . You open the piece of paper and you know it's the piece of paper you thought you had lost you must have dropped it earlier , you turn it over and your shocked at what you see on the other side , you can't believe it .....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2019 ⏰

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