Chapter 1 : pilot

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It's been 3 years since your sister died you have been trying to find her killer ever since that faithful night , but you have had no luck .
"ugh I'm sorry Katie, I'm sorry I couldn't avenge your death , you was always there for me you always did everything for me and I couldn't even complete a simple task." Your sat on your bed , gripping your sisters cushion tightly, with tears starting to roll down your face , the memories of your sister are still strong in your mind , you feel pain every time you think of her as your memories of her are everything but happy .
*Knock , Knock*
"C-come in" you manage to stutter a few words with out getting yourself into yet another mess . Your best mate Danny enters he is carrying a big bouquet 💐 of flowers . He sees you sat there , and he knows you have been crying because the black marks down your face (what was meant to be your Mascara) is a big give away . He sets the flowers down on your bed side table next to your alarm clock , turns your lamp on to give your room a little more light and he makes his way over to you . He sits himself down on the bed and gestures for you to move closer to him you make your way to him and he puts his arms around you holding you tightly as you let the tears make waterfalls down your face , you put your head on his shoulder and he hugs you even tighter , it's been very , very hard for you but Danny has always been through thick and thin , and your so glad to have him as a friend .
"I'm sorry this had to happen to you Gabriella , you don't deserve this" he says rubbing your arm .
"We can't have everything , I just always end up with the bad luck" you mutter feeling very down .
You both end up falling asleep in each other's arms . Danny is always there for you , you have always hoped that he can gain a partner who will look after him as much as he looks after you , he's been crushing on a guy called Dane at school but you don't think he's right for him , he seems too self absorbed, not to your liking .

A betrayal of love حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن