||Yandere!Gai x Liu||

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High school au

Liu walked home with Gai uneasy. He kept getting uncomfortable feelings that Gai stared at him when he wasn't looking, but he ignored it.

"Liu, you're sweating, you okay?"

"Y-Yes, I'm fine."

"It's windy. Here, take my jacket, you might catch a cold."


Gai draped his jacket on Liu, and he nervously nodded in appreciation. Gai was handsome, attractive, and him having Gai's jacket was enough to make any girl jealous.

Liu reaches his house, it was dark by then. Gai told him to keep the jacket and walked away merrily.

But after Liu closed his door, Gai brought out a small tablet, and monitored the tracking device he snuck into Liu's pocket.


The next day, Liu was hanging out with Miyo. They seemed to be enjoying each other's company. A little too much for Gai's liking.

But what made him snap, was when Miyo gave Liu a kiss on the cheeks before leaving. And she crossed the line.


In the hall was a murder investigation, with a dead Miyo. The police wouldn't let anyone see it, as the corpse being 'too damaged'.

Kuga thought about that and ran into Gai. He was smiling, even.

"Hey, have you heard of the murder?"

"Yeah, I heard Miyo was stabbed 18 times! Gruesome, isn't it?"

Though he kept that smile, Gai's eyes darkened.

"How'd you know how Miyo was murdered?"

"I, uh-"

"Never mind that, how'd you know how many times she was stabbed?"

Gai ran away, thinking,

'Kuga could figure this out. If he tells Liu,'

He stopped in his tracks.

'He'll never love me!'


Kuga walked home, wondering about the murder and how Gai knew the details.

A shocking realization dawned over him, coming to a stop.

"Gai...did this?"

"Shhhh, we don't want the cops to hear this, do we?"

Gai's taunting voice whispered from the shadows, but he wasn't visible.

Kuga ran home as fast as he could, falling asleep, deep in thoughts.

To never wake up again.


Liu was constantly protected by Rema the next day. Why? Shan was getting suspicious that the murderer was targeting the Seven.

Unfortunately, Gai was not pleased.

"I'm supposed to be protecting him!"

But Pala, was the next victim. If he DOES target the Seven, he'll be under Shan's protection too! He'll be one of the last suspects!


After disposing of Pala's corpse, and on the way to clean up, Popo witnessed him all bloody, with a bloody knife in his hand.

Gai quickly slashed Popo's chest and ran away, leaving him to bleed.

Unfortunately, Popo survived. He is recovering from the attack, and unable to speak at the moment.

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