||Gaiu||Promises||Part 2||

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Ulcus showed them each the bad things their ancestors caused.

The Great Tribal Wars, the destruction, Charming Gold being their "savior".

They tried to reason, only to fall into darkness.

Gai thought of Liu, and their promise.

Liu thought of Gai, promsing to come back.

They weren't going to break that promise.

Light panels appeared, when they found hope again.

Little Popo was falling, Lonky caught him just in time. Kuga protected then from the obstacles, guiding them safely.

Everybody ran, like they do in every game.

Only this time, they're not competing against each other.

Not running for some reward or fame.

For peace, and for making sure the promise stayed.

They all reached the core, and managed to convince Ulcus to give the world a second chance.

Everyone was transported out of Ulcus, back to where they were.

In joy, they hugged and embraced. Even Miyo and Kuga showed their soft sides to Spin and Lonky, and mostly the baby Popo.

Shan lightly scolded Liu, and Pala saw that the world was coming back to life again.

Small plants were growing, and some sort of light fell from the figure of Ulcus. It brought life and hope.

But mostly to Liu and Gai.

They plunged for each other, hugging.

Gai muttered to Liu, "You came back."

Liu replies to him, "I promised didn't I?"

No more words were needed. The looks they gave each other perfectly described their feelings for each other, pain and pressure. 

That night, the night before all the competitors left, the group of seven had a sleepover in the lounge.

After chattering and playing games for hours, only Gai and Liu were awake.

They had chosen the spots close to each other, the spot where they could look into each other's eyes.

Liu reaches for Gai's hand. Gai moves his hand to Liu's direction, letting him hold it.

"I'm glad you made me promise."


"If it weren't for that, I would've never found hope."

"Same goes to me."

Gai replied with that and went back to silence.

"Why did you make me promise?"

"Because I care too much for you, Gai."

Liu whispered the words quietly, glancing at Gai.

"I love you."

"I love you too. Please forgive me for ignoring your feelings. I was an ignorant little git. I'm sorry."

"I accept your apology. But you, forgive me for lying to you, for lying to everyone."
"Apology accepted."

Liu pulled Gai into a warm hug, letting him hug back.

sorry for the weird wording and stuff I just finished a rlly long mythology lesbian version in which every word is a fancy word

Whatever it's both homo so yeah

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