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Miyo got up early for a jog. It was going peacefully and quietly until a certain Mong popped up in front of her.


She said through gritted teeth.

"I have a name, pink b!tch. It's Spin."

He told her, still running with her.

"So do I. It's Miyo."

It was quiet after that. Both of them keeping up with each other, Spin occasionally smirking whenever Miyo makes eye contact with him.

She would grunt every time that happens.

About half an hour later, Miyo went home. However, she couldn't stop thinking about Spin. How he looked so hot when he smirked, his eyes-

Wait what was she thinking?! She got flustered at the thought, and shook her head.

No matter how hard she tried, Spin was in her mind all day long. Even during the night.

Miyo lied in her bed, trying to get Spin out of her mind and sleeping.

Once she finally fell asleep, her dreams were filled with Spin.

The next morning, she got up and went for another jog.

At the park, she secretly wished for Spin to appear and smirk at her.

No, she didn't.

Yes she did.

Well whatever she wanted, he jumped in front of her again. This time, she didn't get visibly angry, she just blushed and faced the other way.

"Done processing everything sweetheart?"

Did he just...

Did he just flirt?

Miyo got furious and tried to scratch him, but she tripped and they fell.

Miyo on top of Spin.

He ran his hands through her hair.

Wait, what was he doing-

He kissed her on the lips. Miyo was surprised, but kissed back. Spin suddenly pulled away.

Miyo groaned that it was over.

Wait...she wanted more.

"Oh, you want more?"

Miyo reluctantly nodded, blushing furiously.

Bunch of smooches later~

"Here's my number."

I basically word vomited and cringe threw up here

Me: yaoi yuri fanfics smut books angst fluff coffee write draw ew dress I'm a boy hey look a cute girl I'm also a girl oh cute boi Wattpad amino

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