PART XXIII - Regrets?

Começar do início

[...Time skip cuz I feel like it: 1 month...]

I wake up, the rays of the sun filtering through my curtains.

I stretch my arms and get up from my bed.

I then proceed to put on the usual uniform I've been wearing all day for a whole month or so.

Then, I went down for breakfast. In the kitchen, the students were dispersed from table to table.

- Good morning Midoriya!

Kirishima smiled at me and so did the others.

I just looked at him for a second before smiling slightly back at him, and right after, going back to a neutral expression. What I didn't see at that time were his eyes filled with joy because of this simple answer I had given him.

I sat down at a table with Ochako and Tenya.

- Hey Izu, slept well?

I just looked up at her.

- Guess not? she asked, sighing and smirking.

I shook my head no as she looked down, feeling sad for me. Tenya just patted my shoulder.

- It'll pass Izuku. Insomnia never stays for long.
- Except it's been a month and I still can't sleep for more than an hour a night, I replied with a sleepy voice, as I heard loud familiar laughter

I turned my head around to see Momo and Shoto laughing with Jirou and Kaminari. Then, as I look around, I also see Tsuyu talking with Mina and Hagakure, the invisible girl.

After the meeting with their parents, these three really got a reality check. They started being more friendly with others, but still keeping their personalities, which was great I guess.

They still annoy me most of the time and often clung onto me for help and such.

As for Ocha and Tenya, they also talked to other people, but not as much, since they prefer talking between each other or with me.

As for me...

Things have been very weird since I had my meeting with my mom and oh suprise! my dad.

As I mentionned earlier, I've been having almost sleepless nights since then. My eyes just won't close, even if I'm tired. Instead, I just stare at the roof and sometimes fall asleep for a few minutes before waking up.

I've talked a little with the others, but since I was mostly a walking zombie, my main focus was onto surviving. Ochako took notes in class for me and I was almost too tired to do anything in heroics, probably angering the teachers.

I bet if I were to die right here, right now, I would even be happy.

It's an almost even better torture to stay awake than to get tortured physically on a daily basis.

"Kill me already." I thought as I yawned.

I ate my breakfast rapidly before heading to the bathroom to wash my face and try to rearrange my hair, without any success.

And then, I was off to school for another day of hell.


- Alright students, listen up! boomed the voice of Present Mic.

The students of Class 1-A and 1-B quieted down.

- Today, we will be going on patrol! For today, 1-A will patrol the East side while 1-B will patrol the West side. Everyone understood?

Cheers erupted as the two classes proceeded to run on each of their sides.

Patrol had been a frequent activity recently in heroics class. I guess they wanted us to feel what it was really like to be a Pro Hero. We would climb on rooves and watch over the passing citizens.

I already knew that feeling, flying from roof to roof, running down the streets, jumping from the roof while screaming like maniacs.

It was times like this that I loved the most, feeling free.

- Izuuuu~!

I sighed as I turned towards the green haired girl.

- Yes Tsu?
- Pleeeeeeaaase, will you team up with Momo, Sho and I? You, Tenya and Ocha too!

She giggled like a happy schoolgirl.

- Just like old times, remember~?

I smirked.

- Alright then.
- Yayyyy! SHO, MOMOOOO! He said yes!

I heard the two of them cheer back as they came running in our direction.

With us 6 in a team, I guess this patrol will be fun.

...What could go wrong?

1-A's Infamous | BNHA Villain AU Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora