Chapter Twelve

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A/N: Oooh look at me, being semi regular again. 🙌🙆❤ Are you enjoying this story so far? Let me know.


"How did the interview go?" My mother asked as soon as I was in the door.

"It went." I shrugged and shuffled over to the couch in the living room. It had been horrible, really. It couldn't have gone any worse. Despite arriving early, the manager for the café had been busy so I'd had to sit in the back room until she was done serving customers and by then I was a sweaty mess. They REALLY needed to replace their AC. I'd tried to listen to her questions carefully, I really had, but with my hearing aid on, the noise in the café had been so much louder than I'd expected and adjusting the volume every few minutes had given me a headache as well as brought back some light ringing in my ears. After that I couldn't even pretend that I was optimistic.

"We'll call you." She'd said with a sneer and pinched brows and I was just so over looking for a job. I had to pay Saint back though. I knew he was rich, but I always, always felt guilty taking things from people, even when they're meant as a gift.

"I'll cross my fingers." My mother said with a smile and I covered my face with a cushion. "Julian."

"What?" I mumbled when she sat down next to me.

"Hey. Look at me." She tugged on my arm and I let the pillow fall away from my face.

"What?" I said again and she pursed her lips.

"Your father wants to visit." She said softly and I winced.

"Oh God." I said reaching up to take my hearing aid off. Maybe if I couldn't hear the rest of what she had to say, I might actually fall asleep tonight.

"Stop it." She pushed my hand away and held it in her own. "He just wants a chance, Jules."

"Mom. I'm tired." I said with a sigh and tried to stand up from the couch, but she held me fast.

"He'll be here this weekend after your visit to the doctor. Please. Just try to - ."

"I have homework." I said and pulled away finally. She let me go and I felt silly stomping up the stairs like a toddler, but I was angry. He wanted a chance? Screw him. Seriously. I had nothing to say to my father.

I threw myself on my bed and buried myself under more pillows, grumbling into them. I wish I actually did have some homework to do, but Saint had been a big help lately. I wasn't sure if it was because it was easier to focus on him when he went through my lessons with me instead of my teacher and 20 other students trying their best to not pay attention, but everything was so much easier to understand lately.

Julian: Hey.

Saint: Hey. How did the interview go? 😮

Julian: Sucked. 😞

Saint: Meh. 😟

Julian: Yeah...

Saint: Well, you didn't need it anyways. 😌

Julian: 😒

Julian: I'll keep looking. After my Dad leaves this weekend though. I need to conserve energy. 😧😡

Saint: Hmm?

Saint: I don't think I've ever heard you mention your dad. 😶

Julian: Yeah, because he's an asshole. 😣

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