The Starting Line

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2p Italy

     - You can say a million things about a million people, but not one could compare to
the man before us all, Luciano Vargas. He was a man of great power and had wealth
beyond compare.
He spoke of strength and negotiation like no other, and was
seemingly praised for his work. It was no doubt why women wanted to be with him and men wanted to be him.
He was the perfect mold of man, and dare I say quite the womanizer. Call him a flirt or call him crude he would still make any woman fall. Of course they never saw any other side of him to judge. Luciano was a smooth Italian with the right amount of class and sass.
Sadly, all good things come with a price, one he payed everyday. He was a mess from head to toe behind closed doors. He knew he couldn't let anyone see him like this but he also knew he was beginning to crumble to misshapen pieces. Luciano just needed someone, someone to rebuild his strength, but who.
Any woman he ever got with only cared about two things: themselves or his money. It almost seemed like the end of the road for him, but of course that's were you come in. Young and beautiful (Y/N). How you spent your day wondering the streets of La Pezia, Italy. Never realizing things were will soon take a turn, but for the better or the worse....

2p America

      - Our current world has 7 billion people in total. From these 7 billion people there are doctors who change the way we see medication in tremendous ways, and lawyers who help bring rights to the world for people who believe they have none.....and then there's Allen Jones.
Allen is a character you always hear of but never truly encounter. It's most likely for the best you never meet a man such as himself. He'll cheat anyone out of anything, start a fight with nothing backing him up, and over all is a dorky flirt.
Of course are main bad boy here never minded such things. He had another reputation to keep up. One he spoke very little of, but everyone who ever laid eyes on his beach tanned face knew whatever he was up to was no good.
Al was on the top his world, so to speak. But, late at night when all noise is stilled, he feels a sort of emptiness stir within him. Almost as if one-night stands no longer satisfied him. He wanted- no needed someone.
Unfortunately it was easier said than done. Sure he was a flirt, a player even, but nothing was working on the type of women he desired, and that's when you come into the picture.
You were an student studying at some well off school in Los Angles, California. Sure the place seemed a muck but deep down it filed you with excitement. Little did you know the excitement was only just about to begin once he walked through the door to your sweet café.....

2p France

- Oh France. The country of love. What a shame our man François is not much of a model of those words. Instead of a loving, optimistic, and flirtatious man François is more of a silent, hot-headed, one-night stand type of man. A man of dirty, underground work.
It isn't hard to find him upset, or lost in a bed with a woman he knows nothing about. I suppose it has always been like this. Believe me he's tried to change....ok that's a lie. This man is the laziest person you could ever meet. You would almost deem him unreasonable.
Yet, like all people there's another side to him. I side that lurks in the dark of his heart waiting to come out. Unfortunately François has forgotten all about this side of him many years ago. Some how though. In the small parts of France. It would once again resurface. It will take time but it is all thanks to one girl in particular.
A girl named (Y/N).
But would this be the love (Y/N) is waiting for or will things turn for the worst...

2p Germany

- We always dream of that perfect guy. The type of guy who would just lift us off our feet and swoon us with words of passion. No one would ever expect there dream guy to be a lazy, troublesome, smart ass. Yet, that's exactly what one would get when meeting Lutz. Lutz is a sit around type of guy. If he doesn't have to work he won't and even if he does he still won't.
One thing that gets him places though is his looks. Everyone loves a bad boy. One with muscles and scars, what a man. But, he's usually such a playboy dork that he can never get the girl to stay. Not like he tried to anyways. He wasn't the type of guy into permanent relationships, or any type of relationships. Even when it came to business he made sure his amends with others never lasted long enough for them to get on his nerves.
This was how Lutz always was, but wouldn't always be. He thought he lived a life he could work with, but something started to change. What it was he didn't know but he would soon find out upon meeting (Y/N) (L/N). Oh boy, were you a catch. One that Lutz planed on taking all for himself.

2p England

- Sweet, playful, over all jovial, and slightly pure minded aren't the exact words you would use to describe a stereotypical English man. Yet here before us all is Oliver Kirkland. Oliver is a sweetheart, when you first meet him of course, couldn't hurt a fly if you asked him. Yet he still seems to be a mystery of a fellow.
A hard worker for sure. Took him years to set up a small café that he considers his pride and joy. But no matter what you see him do whether in or out the café you never really get a glance at the real him. He's always so happy you'd think he could never get mad.
It troubled him though. He wanted someone he could open up to, some who could open up to him. But where could he find such a person. He would ask this question everyday. Never expecting today would be that day, but you just so happened to walk through his door and change each others lives one small step at a time. Whether this change is good or bad to you is the real question.

Hello Ladies, Gentlemen, boys and girls. And for those of you who classify as Tomatoes cause I don't like to assume food groups... I hope you all enjoyed this first chapter. I know kinda boring but TRUST ME (or don't it's all good) it will get more interesting. Any who hope you enjoyed~

1169 words
Paint_and_Pasta ~

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