Lilia regained her composure as quickly as she could, noticing the stares from the Queen and the King. "Thank you very much, Your Highness. I'm delighted that you and the rest of your family are part of this day" she replied politely, not allowing herself to be intimidated by the attention.

"Come on, my children. It is time that we let Lady Lilia spend some time with her family. We'll see her around and at the feast tonight" Cersei said, pushing Myrcella and Tommen. Joffrey only left when the King slapped his arm and even then, she could feel his gaze lingering on her. She did her best to ignore it as she didn't wish to feed ill-natured rumours or even betray her sister's trust. It wasn't her intention to steal away her place and she was sure that Sansa wouldn't doubt the rumours if she caught wind of them. Lilia would be as polite and kind as she should, showing the Prince the respect he was due but nothing more.

"Happy name day, my dear child!" her mother said as she walked inside the hall, hugging her. Despite all the conflicts, the different ideas and the interests that they both had, Lilia loved her mother very much. "You have turned into such a mature young girl!"

Lilia distrusted those words. Her mother would never shut up about how immature she was and how she should be more like Sansa. Still, it felt nice to hear those words even if they were lies.

"I owe it to you"

As much as she liked to deny it, she owed her mother everything. If she had given the Royal Family a good impression it was all for her mother's effort on making her a true Lady. On top of Lilia's worries was disappointing her parents, especially her mother, and it seemed that she did that a lot.

"My sweetest Lilia, I'm very proud of you. Happy name day," her father approached her and, that time around, she was the one to jump into his arms. She had always been closer to him as he allowed her to be who she was. She couldn't imagine her life without him, which was why the possibility of him leaving her in Winterfell broke her heart into a million pieces. Who would orientate her? Who would be the wise, old, friend? Despite having Robb and her siblings, she knew that her life would never be the same if he left for King's Landing, most especially if she was bound to leave with him. He'd be there but he'd too busy in matters of the King and she'd be left alone.

"I couldn't be happier for having you as my father" she whispered in his ear. "I wish I have a husband like you one day, I would be happy"

"I'm sure you will have a better one"

Lilia giggled although she was sure that those words were not intended as jokes. She trusted that he'd give her away to a worthy man but who could guarantee her that?

As they split from the hug, she watched as her siblings came inside the great hall. Robb was the first, being quick to put an arm around her. "Happy name day, little sister! Looks like you are turning into a woman!" he joked. "You just have to get into that stubborn head of yours that you should always be humble and obedient"

"You really like to mock my motto!" she sarcastically argued, punching him on the chest. It was a soft blow but being dramatic as ever, Robb took his hand to his wound and opened his mouth in fake shock. Lilia crossed her arms under her chest and lifted her eyebrow as he watched his act go down. "We should create a motto for you, dear brother... how about dramatic and boring? It definitely applies to you!"

"You are just so funny!" he commented sarcastically. "Come here, winter rose. I love you!"

"I love you too" they hugged for a second until Lilia felt three children hugging her legs and almost making her fall.

"HAPPY NAME DAY!" the three screamed at the top of their lungs. She was sure that Arya and Bran were the ones to have that idea. She kneeled in order to be the same height as them or, at least, close to it. "We love you very much!"

THE LITTLE PUP (EDITING AND REWRITING)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن