Ch. 1: Introducing our best one

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Title: Ch. 1: Introducing our best one
Other title ideas: Ch. 1: Stripping in person
Words count: 1120
Includes: Strong language (censored), possesiveness, kinky content, slight OOC.
Media owner: Jess Orejel (Idk where but I found it on google)


*Bakugou's POV*

I was on my way to the strip club where I would often meet up with St!tty Hair where I would help him out with that male stripper "Electrofusion" that has a big @$$. I have come to this strip club for over 4 weeks but only with my consent. Even tho I mainly help Sh!tty Hair to be the only one to f**k with Electrofusion. I am also helping him with some money so he can "purchase" Electrofusion as a personal stripper. Jeez. I thought. He surely is overprotective. But because I wanted him to help me back, I wanted him to help me see this new stripper that has came 1 week ago. Even tho he -yes, he. I'm gay, got a problem with that??! (Kacchan)- was 1 week new in the strip club, it is said that he is the best one in town. H€ck, maybe even in the whole Japan.

He strips pretty late and it is on school days and Sunday late nights too. Kirishima helped me have some extra notes and to even help me study -even tho I am the one teaching him more than him teaching me (Kacchan)- but even tho he isn't reality good with teaching, at least I get to remember from me teaching him. Finally, I get to the strip club called UA Night for some reason. I showed the ginormous blonde guard that had a huge smile plastered on his face my "ally" card for this strip club without looking at him. He knocked on the heavy metal door for the other guard on the other side of the door to open it. The door was opened and it revealed a tired man with long black messy hair. He has bags under his eyes, a faded moustache and quite a big scar under his right eye, possibly after he had gone through a serious battle to just stop a fight or some sh!t. He let's me go inside but was suddenly stopped by the huge hand from the guard from before on my shoulder. "Treat 'em well, young one." He said. Chills went down my spine.

I turned my gaze to him and nodded with a serious expression (+ a smol sweat drop on his forehead). He let's go of my shoulder and I go inside, leaving out the air I wasn't realizing I was keeping in my lungs through a heavy sigh. I was invited by a big crowd and an even louder music than from the outside. I was hearing whistles and loud cheering. I was already used to this kind of loudness since I come here oftenly.

Right now, the strippers "Dark Phoenix" and "Frog Princess" were doing a duet on the stage and were earning lots of money from it.

"Bakubro!" I was greeted by a voice owned by none other than Sh!tty Hair along with a slap on my back.

I "tched" as a way of saying "Hello" back.
"I'm happy you made it!" He gave me one of his signature toothy wide smiles.

"Happy as always as I can see." I brushed my shoulder. "So? How's with the stripper?" I asked, looking around, seeing "Uravity" high up on the pole and "Kitty Kat" on all fours, wiggling his @$$ around, with his cat tail embedded in his naughty and girly leather underwear, licking his lips hungrily while looking at a certain blonde who who had a devilish grin that literally was screaming "I am gonna destroy your @$$ after your sl₩tty show."

"Oh, Denki-chan? He is doing pretty well, he is having a day off to-"
"NO! Not Electrof**k! The NEW stripper! I cut him off.
"OH! Him? It's his round after the wonder duo. I heard his quirk makes him look kinkier than any other costume would." He swirled his whine around in the glass he's holding.

A waiter went by us and I grabbed a glass of whisky. Not only that I have high endurance to spiciness, I also have for alcohol.

We went to the front row to the wonder duo and I can say.........they really know how to do their sh!t. Finally, their dance ended and the announcer started talking as the dancers and even the side dancers went to the back stage to give a lap dance or serve as a waiter as well or whatever they normally would do. All the lights turned off as some reflectors turned on and pointed to the now closed red curtains.

"Please, everyone. Greet our best stripper of them all..." He paused as to wait for somethin' to happen, like a magic trick or whatever.
Suddenly, a leg appeared from behind and between the curtains. The leg was quite feminine but you could see some muscles here and there, it was dressed in a pink laced lingerie. The leg was then slowly put to have contact with the ground and I could see some people drooling already (men and women). The curtains were suddenly opened by the hands from the person who was showing off their oddly sexy leg.

"DEKU!" The announcer finally finished his sentence.

The stripper had black and dark green at the tips of his hair and green eyes. His quirk as I would assume being dare devil. He had the features of one being two horns at the sides of his head, two big and long wings from his back and a long @$$ redish black tail. On his face he had four freckles on each side of his cheeks and he had on his shoulders but only a few.

It's Him! I thought. It's the new stripper! Everybody was cheering and whistling for him as he sexily made his way to the pole. As he got to the side and had a good grip on it, I apparently got his attention as he looked into my eyes. He took off his right hand and blew me a kiss and winked sweetly. After that, he put his hand back on the pole and proceeded to do his glorious pole dance.

D@mn I thought. He's f**king h£lla hot.


Aaaaaand.. DONE! Did you like this chapter? If you have any ideas, please give me some suggestions if you want to.

I will probably not update until next Saturday or some sh!t. I'm lazy, ok?

How Deku looks like:

How Deku looks like:

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[A/N: The censored parts are too explicit, sorry]

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[A/N: The censored parts are too explicit, sorry]

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