Post Quotes and Get Promoted :)

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What you got to do?

Post your favorite quotes from your book using the form and help get your book more recognition across all social platforms.

Book Title :

Quote :

Author :

What I will do?

I will be adding the quotes alongwith the banner in this book for promotion. Also, As you can see from the banners, I have made here, I will be posting them in my fanpages and that will help fetch you more readers. :) 

To confirm things, you can always follow me at my social media platforms.

Links are in my profile.

What you have to give?

A Dedication + A Shoutout to followers about any of my book/poems.


Credit to the banner i made, in the chapter of the quote + Atleast, 2-3 lines honest comment on any of my work. (My Books and Poems, Precisely)

If you think the payment is too much then consider me making the graphic and then promoting it across all platforms to promote your work. Plus, there are added benefits for you too.

Your Benefits :

*A Banner for your book

*Promotion of your story @Facebook, @Google+ and @Wattpad 

*I will also be adding the banner in my graphic book and you will be getting two dedications. One from this book and the other from the graphic book. 

Time : I will need atleast 2-3 days to do it. So, Stay Patient.

Note : I will do one re-do, if you do not like what i made. But, you have to tell me about it within 24 hours because I do not keep drafts for longer period of time.

2nd Part of the payment must be cleared after posting quotes request.

1st Part must be cleared after I deliver the cover.

So, What are you waiting for. Go peep into your works and start posting some lovely quotes from them.





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