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Request:"Michael kisses the reader in public and some girl gets jealous and the reader and the girl get into a fight and the girl scratches her on her wrist,and Michael almost kills her"

Warnings:choking,slight violence

You were about to spend your day with Michael today.
Now you were waiting in a park for him,until you suddenly were hugged from behind.
,it was Michael. You smiled and turned to him:
You were walking with him by your side in the park and sat down on a bench with him after a while.
What do you want to do today
,he asked you.
well,not much actually..How about you,Michael?
,you answered.
I just want to be with you today my love.”
You smiled at his answer and as you both were talking you noticed a girl staring at Michael.
He noticed her too,and glared at her,before taking your hand.
You both stood up and he kissed you,to show that girl he's taken. But as you were about to walk away from her,she came to you and was about to slap you,but you dodged.
What the hell is wrong with you?”,
you snapped at her.
Why is he with you,when he could be with me instead?
,she asked in a mocky tone.
Michael hissed to her:
Simply because I don't want a girl who dresses like a whore and has 5 pounds of make-up on her face.

At least I'm beautiful.”
,she said.
,I glared at her.
,she yelled angry,:
you ugly cow don't deserve him!”
You rolled your eyes and slapped her. She stumbled back.
You should be careful with your words
,you said calmly but in an aggressive tone.
She suddenly tried to tackle you,but ended up scratching your wrist with her long fake nails.
You bitch!”
,you yelled at her.
You looked at the wound and blood started to pour out of it. As you were focused on your wrist,you didn't notice Michael grabbing that girl by her neck.
Suddenly you heard her gasping for air.
You looked up and saw Michael choking her and your eyes widened.
,you yelled.
Why?! She doesn't deserve to live anymore…
,he hissed.
The girl tried to escape from his grip.
Michael,stop! Don't kill her,what if her family or friends find out?”
,you told him.
I don't care about them..
,he coldly said.
As the girl was about to pass out you tackled Michael to the ground and he let the girl go.
The girl was breathing heavily and ran away.
You sat on top of Michael and looked in his eyes.
His "demon-side" took over,but his eyes got normal again.
(y-y/n),I-I'm sorry,but that girl hurt you and I got angry…
You got off of him and stood up,he did the same and hugged you quickly.
Now let's do something to forget that moment..
,he said still a bit sad.
Michael,it's okay…You only wanted to protect me,but please don't try to kill someone right in front of me again.”
Okay,I won't do it again…
And with that you went to get some ice cream to forget that moment.

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