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"Wait you've found him, the mutant guy you've been after for ages but couldn't find him because it turns out Hydra is more advanced than shield is." Tony says in a casual tone, Phil directs a pointed look to Natasha and Steve, they raise their hands up in defence.
"Come on Agent it's not like I wouldn't find out, I'm a Stark." With that we all roll our eyes while Tony looks fronted,
"All we know about him is what Hydra has wrote down in a private file that I got Romanoff to get last month, we've been monitoring him with Hydra since then, it seems he wasn't brainwashed into doing Hydra's dirty work like most of their soldiers," I put my head down at the directors words but none the less he carries on "Actually it seems he isn't one of their soldiers at all, they're just using his skills and powers to their advantage in taking over the world." Fury told us, which is pointless because we don't know who his talking about, "isn't that what your going to use him for anyway." Tony asks Fury doesn't say anything and Coulson steps in for him at that "we don't yet know what we will use him for yet."
"Does this guy have a name." Steve asked "yes he does, his name is Clint Barton."
With that I'm rendered silent and a look of shock covers my face and I take a step back focusing on my breathing, Steve puts his hand on my shoulder "Clint?" I ask "you know him Danny Zuko?" Tony asked I shook my head at his joke, "his younger than me, well than anyone here, after the whole brainwashing happened he was the who trained me, he trained me in hand to hand, any fire arm, and if I was going into soldier mode without needing to he would change my mode, I never knew who until later he told me he was a mutant." I told everyone with a tone of shock in my voice, we head out and go back to the tower with a file on Clint for us to read up on over the week, this is going to be a long week.

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