Chapter 9

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*Sakshi pov*

I can't do this right now and i am too tired so before he could say anything I said "I am tired Rakesh and I can't do the talking right now. We will talk tomorrow ok. I just want to sleep."

"No we need to talk right now. I need to say something to you." He said to me.

"Whatever it is, it can wait for tomorrow. Please let me sleep I am in need of that." I pleaded with him.

"If we don't talk now then I will not talk to you." He told me seriously.

What are we five? Maybe he is just joking, Ya that would be it. "I am going to sleep good night." I told him and retrieved my hand and let sleep consume me.

When I woke up the next day, Rakesh was still sleeping so I left him and freshen up. When I was about to leave the room he woke up.

"Good morning." I wished him.

But he didn't replied like I didn't said anything. Oh may be he is taking yesterday thing seriously. He will be cooled down eventually so I left him and went down to help mom.

While we are eating breakfast we were discussing about the preparations for following rituals and I have to ask Rakesh about few matters but whenever I start to say something he would eventually start talking to anyone present except me.

So I asked mom to ask him which she did and settled everything. I don't know for how many days he will react but it will be hell for sure.

Whenever I try to talk to him he just behaves as if I didn't say anything. 

I couldn't take it anymore if he wants to talk, we will talk.

So in the evening when he returned from office I asked him "You said we need to talk right, let's do it."

But he didn't said anything so I continued "Come on Rakesh, Don't be like that. I was really tired yesterday. Now you can say what do you want to and I will listen."

Again nothing "Please......"

That's it I can't do it anymore if he don't want to talk then who am I to object then.

"Ok carry on. I will also help you to not talk to me." I told him and left the room.

That day we didn't even say 'good night' to each other.

This continued which I may tell you successfully continued for a week without knowing by anyone in the house. But they got suspicious.

Now after that the whole next week we got the "Talks" for me from mom and for him from his father. But as we are too stubborn to get down we didn't did the talk.

But we gave each other occasional glances. This didn't have impact on the preparations and they continued smoothly.

The third week was massive shock for both of us because the person who did the "talk" to us is Raghu. We both were shock; You could say that by looking at our eyes.

Raghu's Talk can be described in one word 'Stupid', He doesn't know what is he even talking so I did the perfect thing, listened him through one ear and thrown out that from another ear.

After that we both breathed in relief, I so wanted to talk to him but what is my mistake that I wanted to sleep because of tiredness but not talk to him. So I didn't..

In one week Raghu's marriage would be held with Monika the bride. As she doesn't have many relatives she started to spend time with me and my friends.

She is good person and is in deep for Raghu. Raghu is also by the way he looks at her whenever they meet. 

I am in top at jealousy feeling people's list. I want that love may be someday it will happen.

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