chapter 2- Suicide Attempt

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                              ???? P.o.v.

       I was so done with the world. It only caused me nothing but pain and misery. I was just going to jump of the bridge and in to the water, it was actually a short walk from here. I decided to simply wright a letter, that I already know no one would find or care, and put it on my bed. The letter read: Dear who ever finds this,
   I'm sorry I lived, I'm sorry for being around for no reason, and most of all I'm sorry this is the only way to make you all happy. By the time you find this note I will be long gone,not that anyone would care. I hope this makes you all smile and live happer now. I'm sorry for wasting space and air by being alive. I love you all sooo much, but I must leave to make you all happy. And I know in a year you'll forget I'm gone, 'cause I'm not really something to be dwelled on. And yes I lost my fight but please just hold on tight. And I'm sorry it had to end like this.- Toby💜  I left my room and went to the door to leave but of course Masky had to be up ' great' I thought as i tried to get around him without him noticing." Where are you going at 2pm Rogers?" He asked as I look over at hime and forced my last fake smile.(a/n-  day is night to them since they kill during the night) " Just heading for...a walk... to clear my mind." I said, he simply looked at me, then noded and went back to his paper work. I let out a sigh of relief as I started my short walk tords the bridge.
                 Y/n's p.o.v.
        'The bridge it is' I thought as I walked towards the bridge listing to the song  My R. When I finally made it there I was meant with a boy, maybe a little older than me, about to jump. As the song went on I sung the line, " Hey don't do it please!" I yelled/sung as he looked over at me. He slowly made his way tords me for some reason. I suddenly hit the ground, felling weak, probably from ripping the stiches out of the deep cut on my stomach. I could see all the beautiful blood spilling onto the forest floor, I smiled. ' Finally I can die' I thought, giving into the sleepiness.  Before I passed out I had to ask one question. I looked up at the boy that I just saved. "Hey, w-what's your name?" I questioned him, curious. "T-Toby." He said. ' Why would such a perfect person try to kill them self?' Was the last thought that when through my head before blacking out.

                     Toby's p.o.v.
          'Why would she stop me from killing my self? She doesn't even know me!' I questioned as I picked her up, she was REALLY light. Her (h/c) hair was covered in blood along with her (f/ dark/c) hoody. Then it snapped. This girl was y/n l/n. I was sent on a mission a few months ago to keep an eye on miss y/n. Slender dropped that mission after a week of it , it was weird to say the lest. Since I already know where she lived, I took her back home. Luckily her 'parents' weren't home and the door was unlocked, so I just carried the unconscious girl up to the bathroom so I could help with the wond. I set her down on the floor as I tended to her wonds lost in thought. 'I should probably get back since I'm still alive, why am I even saving this girl? Why did she even save me?! I doubt the other's even know I'm gone, even if they did I'm sure they are really happy.' I smiled at my last thought. I noticed y/n started to wake back up. She looked around her and then at me. "Umm...... Hi?" She said in more of a question." He-" I was cut off by the sound of the front door slamming open. "Hey y/n, get your slutty ass down her right now, you came home late, so it's time to get you ass beat!" Her 'Father' yelled from down stairs. I cringed at his words, remembering my own always drunk father. She quickly waved at me to hid, so, reluctantly, I hid. Her 'parents' stormed into the bathroom and started to beat her. I almost killed them, but didn't, I wouldn't want to take such a beautiful opportunity away from y/n. She passed out in a pool of her own blood in the bathroom. They just left her there and walked away! She stood up after they left, she looked completely unfazed. "H-hey I ha-ave a que-question." I said as looked at me. "Hmmm?" "Would y-you like to kill yo-your pa-parents?" "Ummm.. Ya!!" She responds in a whisper yell, seeming excited at the chance. "Here g-go for i-it." I said as I handed her one of my hachets." What happens if the police show up?" "Ok,s-so don't fr-freak ou-ut, but I'm a-actually a mu-murder, and I-I can he-help in tha-at si-situation." I say as a little of the light returns to her dull (e/c) eyes. "Ok!" Was all she said as she went to look for her 'parents'. I followed behind her as I thought ' beat Slender would be a little proud of me' then y/n shouted...

    A/n- cliff hanger,😏 I'll probably write the next chapter later. I should probably be sleeping since I have to be up early, but na. Anyways, love you all💜 hope you enjoyed😋

Suicidal Love (Ticci Toby x Suicidal, abused reader){discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now