Molten's pov

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Bryan is such an idiot I can tear him apart but I won't not yet anyways

Bryan grabbed me and licked the blood off then rammed me it hurt sorta

I couldn't stop but think about how much of a idiot he was after he was done he fell asleep so I got up and got him some clothes that Lulu dropped off her old showtime outfit  man was he about to wear this it was a red crop top without sleeves it came up to the neck around it and stopped no sleeves the shorts were only 4' long only long enough to cover what it had to

^bryan wake up


^so I want you to wear this if you don't I'll kill you

Bryan looked at the clothes looked at me grabbed the clothes and walked off grumbling

[A little bit later]

He came out if the bathroom he was going to get mage fun of when we got back so to spare him the shame of walking to work I grabbed him and teleported  he looked like he wanted to die he had a pair of boots on we walked in and everyone's jaw dropped

Baby:Bryan are you ok?

Bryan:I'm fine don't worry

RS foxy:did molten threaten you to wear them or else?


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