Bryan's POV

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I was with molten i was originally pounding molten but I stopped and now moltens pounding me into the stage he feels so good and I really don't want him to stop I have cuts and bruises all over from my wired boyfriend  some that would kill others with the placement why is he watching foxy wait did lulu put a camera in him molten lifted me up looked at foxy and smiled I felt so tired I put my hand on his face he took it off with a wire 

Molten:who wants to see a magic trick lulu taught me?

I looked at him I looked at foxy my eyes shot open not only were both foxys on rockstar foxy had a camera on him I looked at molten he looked at me

Molten:it's been there the whole time I watched her put it there but I'm hungry 

*both foxys sat up rs foxy held the camera*

Rsfoxy:your not about to eat him are you molten


I kinda turned 100 shades of red

He smirked

Molten:i am yes 

Lulu in the background:I knew it!!

Molten looked up at me turned his body back towards me I felt all the pressure I slammed face first into his face his mouth was soft like a mattress I sighed he swallowed me up I could tell his legs were making a v cause I could feel them I felt a few  hands touching me one felt like it had nails ft foxy the other didn't but it was foxys he had his hook holding the camera I fell asleep molten wasn't to comfy and had to be carried into the back the foxys didn't mind

drunken truth or dare (Unfinished)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora