Please Don't Leave Me...

Start from the beginning

He had noticed that Dan acted much more groggy than usual. He knew that Danny's sleep schedule was extremely strange, but he never acted this tired. He would occasionally catch his friend dozing off during recording sessions. Those under-eye bags were getting darker as each day passed...

Arin also noticed the dull look in his friend's eyes. Those beautiful hazel eyes that always had this sparkle of wonder in them were now close to a grayish-brown color and had lost that wonderful sparkle... And that was incredibly concerning in Arin's eyes.

Dan wore long sleeves more often than not nowadays. Sweaters, jackets, just anything with long sleeves. Now, this wouldn't be concerning if it wasn't for the fact that it was currently incredibly hot in LA. All this evidence started to make Arin incredibly worried for his friend's well being... he knew for a fact that Danny was upset about something... but what he didn't know was how damaged Dan actually was... until one evening.

Arin had received some somewhat... odd texts from Danny. Well... it was odd to Arin. They read:


Feeling kinda under the weather.


Arin knew Dan got sick often, but this just seemed... strange. There was something wrong and Arin knew it, so he wanted to get to the bottom of it...

The younger man could hear his phone chiming and he knew that Dan was trying to tell him that he didn't have to stop by and that he was fine, but he was going to anyways. He got to his car and started the drive to Danny's home. Once he arrived, he used the spare key the older male had leant him and entered the home. "Dan?" He called. He got no response... maybe he was asleep?

Arin continued through the house until he reached Dan's bedroom. He could hear a strange sound from the other side of the door... it almost sounded like... hissing and ragged breathing? He wasn't sure, but he didn't like the sound of it one bit... so he took hold of the doorknob and after the mental count of three, he opened the door. What he saw was not what he had wanted to see... He had honestly hoped that Dan had just be jacking it or something of the sort and they would share a quick and awkward laugh with each other... but no. That's not what the brunette/blonde man saw at all.

Instead, he saw Dan sitting on his bed, his sleeve rolled up and a razor blade hovering over his wrist. His whole forearm and wrist were covered in bright and angry cuts, all bleeding rather heavily. There were scabbed over slices, all varying in length and depth. The older man looked like a deer caught in headlights as he stared at his friend.

"A-Arin, I-I..."

Arin turned away and Dan thought for a split second that Arin was so disgusted with him that he had left... but instead, he returned to the bedroom with a handful of bandages and cotton balls and some peroxide. The younger of the two sat down and quickly took the razor from his friend's hand setting it aside and grabbing his arm gently. He poured some of the peroxide onto the cotton ball and began to clean up the slices covering his friend's thin arm.

"Fuck, dude... some of these are really deep..." he mutters. Dan winces in pain at the stinging sensation of the peroxide.

"I'm s-sorry..."

"Don't be dude. I just want you to tell me when you started doing this." Arin spoke gently. He wasn't mad and he wanted to make sure Dan knew that as he gave his arm some TLC.

As Arin wrapped Dan's arm up with bandages, the curly haired male spoke. "Um... I-I... I started cutting after... after I b-broke up with my ex boyfriend..." he replies. Arin nods, silently telling Danny to continue. "He... He hurt m-me, Ar... he would y-y-yell at me and he hit me a f-few times... but mostly... he'd just t-touch me. All over... everywhere... even when I d-didn't want to be touched..." he hadn't realized he was crying until he felt the straight haired man wipe his tears away. Arin then slowly rolled up Dan's other sleeve to find more cuts. He began to tend to those, too.

"I just... I j-just wanted to feel something after I-I left him... I felt so fucking empty and I h-hated that feeling so much..." Danny cried. "I just want to fucking die, Arin!" The older man wailed, using his free hand to cover his face as he proceeded to break down. Arin's eyes widened. Was it true that Dan was... suicidal?

His question was answer quite quickly. "I-I've considered k-killing myself so many times recently... I... I was thinking about um... c-cutting right there," he pointed to the vein on his wrist. "Before you showed up..."

Arin pressed his lips to the spot Dan had pointed to. "I'm so glad you didn't, dude... I don't know what I'd do if I lost you..."

"I'm r-replaceable..."

"No you're not. Don't say that."

"I am. If I die, y-you'll just find a new Not-So-Grump and a n-new best friend... I'm super replaceable..."

"Leigh Daniel Avidan. Listen to me," Arin cupped Dan's cheeks after bandaging his other arm and turned the older male's head to look at him. "I could never replace you. You are irreplaceable. There is no other "Dan Avidan" out there. You are the only one and I can't replace you." He wrapped his arms around his best friend, holding him as tightly as he could, afraid that if he let go, the other would just... disappear. "And I'm staying here to keep an eye on you, okay?"

"Ar, you don't have to d-do that-"

"Please." Arin gave Dan a pleading look. The singer sighed and managed a slight smile. "Fine..."

Arin smiled and hugs Dan tightly, the older hugging the other back.

They stayed like that for a good while before letting go of each other and just smiling softly. They truly did care for each other...

And Arin kept to his word and stayed at Dan's home, keeping an eye on him to make sure he wasn't cutting or planning to attempt suicide. He had to keep Dan on this earth for a little longer... and he was determined to do just that.

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