Chapter 18

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Drake's POV:

I set Kiestin down in the passenger seat of my car and got in on my side.

I didn't have it started before Kiestin had already begun to fall asleep. The poor girl. She was miserable and in so much pain. Not to mention tired, so tired.

My house was about 30 minutes away so she had plenty of time to sleep and rest up.

One thing I didn't agree with was what Jason did to her before we left. Lucky for Kiestin I can get them off without the key. If I couldn't get them off then I wouldn't be able to work on her.

I have so many mixed emotions of how Jason treats her like crap one minute in then is caring the next. It just doesn't make sense. None whatsoever.

I pulled my car into the driveway and parked it in my garage. Kiestin has yet to wake up so I quietly got out and walked to her side slowly opening the door.

I picked her up bridal style. She stirred a little, but not much. I'm guessing mostly because of the pain she's in. She's a tough girl for lasting this long.

I walked her upstairs to my medical room.

Laying her on the medical table gently I walked out to go get the tool to get the collar cuff combo off of her.

Kiestin's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes to a bright white room. There was medical equipment everywhere. I was even laying on this cold metal medical table.

My collar thing Jason put on me was gone? How? Jason is the only one that had the key. Unless, oh my gosh!

I began freaking out thinking Jason was here. I sat up quickly out of fear, not even thinking about my ribcage or side.

Once I was straight up the pain hit, and it hit HARD! I screamed out in pain and started to choke a little. My side hadn't hurt like this since the very beginning from where my ribs had gotten broke.

"DRAKE!" I yelled for him hoping he'd hear me.

I couldn't get another yell out, because soon I was coughing. Not just any cough, but blood was coming with every cough that came from my mouth.

I couldn't breathe at this point. I was gasping, coughing, and choking. It wouldn't stop. I was grasping my side in hopes that would help.

"KIESTIN! WHAT HAPPENED?!" Drake came running into the room trying to get me to lay down.

I tried coughing out what happened, but it wouldn't come out.

He ran over and wheeled this machine next to me. Soon putting an oxygen mask on my face.

He then began cutting my shirt off.

"No." Is all I could manage to come out of my mouth. I didn't want my shirt to come off. I've felt so violated since I've been kidnapped.

"Kiestin I have to. You have to trust me. Don't worry I won't mess with anything I don't have to okay?" He continued cutting till it was completely off and I could feel the cold air meet my upper body.

"Shit." Is all I heard him mumble.

"Kiestin you punctured a lung." He ran over to a counter across the room and grabbed a shot. "You'll thank me for this later." He then stuck the shot in my arm without any warning. It hurt so much. The more he would push the liquid into my arm the more it hurt.

I felt a tear stream out of each eye. I soon began to feel tired though. My eyes were getting so heavy that it was starting to be a struggle to keep them open. Which I didn't. I let them close, not to long after falling into darkness.

Drake's POV:

I rushed around the room trying to get everything I'll need to help Kiestin. I put everything on a tray next to the table she's on. The first thing I needed to get done though was get her on an IV. I stuck it in her arm and got that all figured out then headed straight for her side.

I made an incision starting at the top of her ribs all the way down to the bottom of them. So about an 8 inch incision. I could just see the problem. I had to re-brake/ brake 3 of her ribs and had to fix the lung that had been punctured. It took me about 2 1/2 hours by the time I had gotten her stitched back up and bandaged up.

I carried her to the hospital bed that was in the same room. I wanted her to be more comfortable. I also made sure to cover her up with a blanket and covered her chest so she wouldn't feel so violated.

I had made sure she couldn't move her left arm, because if she did she'd strain her ribs. I ended up using the bandage wrap I had and wrapped her arm against her side.

She looked miserable just laying there. She looked pained. Basically she looked like death.

I sighed, made sure she was stable, then walked out of the room.

I had to give someone a call. Someone who's name starts with a J and ends in an M.

I walked downstairs and saw my roommate, also a gang member, sitting in the livingroom. His name was Eric.

"What's up Eric?" I walked over and sat by him on the couch.

"Just chilling. I have to go do business tomorrow." He stuck his tongue out afterward with a "I don't want to" kind of face.

I chuckled a little.

"How's the girl?" I gave him a confused look.

"The girl you have upstairs. I'm hoping that's a patient and not another roomy." He winked.

I punched his shoulder. "Man, she's a patient. She's not another roommate. I gotta go make a phone call." I sighed and stood up to go to the kitchen.

I dialed Jason's number not knowing what his response to be.

I honestly don't even want Kiestin to go back to him.

He picked up.

"Jason McCann here."


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. A lot happened. Anyway sorry it's been a while since an update. Also thank you for all the love on my book trailer I made! I love you all and your support!!

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Much Love!!💜💜





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