Chapter 11

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Kiestin's POV:

We had finally made it to the hotel that was 1 hour away from where I live and Tia was so sure that this Hunter guy wouldn't find me.

I knew he would find me sooner or later. I mean we can't run forever. We would eventually run out of money, places to go, and I really don't want Tia going through this.

"Kiestin come on I'll help you out." Tia got out of the car and came over to my side. She opened the door and I just sat there staring at the floorboard of the car.

"Kiestin look at me."

I just continued to stare at the floor and I whispered a faint, "no".

"Come on let's go inside in then we can talk." Tatianna then unbuckled my seatbelt and started to pull on my arm to help me out.

I just sighed and slowly got out. I was okay at that point. I could stand up straight and I mean I had a little pain, but not much.

"Okay are you ready?" I nodded and took a small step. I gasped a little from the pain.

"I can't do it Tia. It hurts." I felt the tears start to well up, but I refused to cry.

"Stop Kiestin. You can do it. Just don't think about the pain." I could tell she was trying to motivate me, but it just wasn't working.


We had finally made it to our room. It took 30 minutes, but we finally made it and I was in so much pain and exhausted.

Tatiana was bringing our stuff in while she made me lay on the couch. I mean I felt really bad for not helping her, but I couldn't really do anything to help. I mean I couldn't hardly even breathe.

"Okay Kiestin I know you are going to argue saying you don't want anything, but what do you want to eat?"

"I'm not hungry Tia."

"You know Kiestin, you are a horrible liar."

I rolled my eyes and just shut them trying to relax. "Your point?"

"My point is I'm going to make you eat. I'm not sitting here and watching you do that to yourself."

I just sighed and laid there not answering her.

I could hear her just groan and walk off on frustration.

I just laid there thinking about what's going to happen to me. I've been doing this a lot lately.

What's going to happen? Will anyone, besides Tia, even notice I'm gone? What is this Hunter guy going to do to me? So many questions and very little time.

Jason's POV:

I had walked back upstairs to find everyone around the house just chilling.

They should be doing stuff, not just sitting there.

"What do you think you guys are doing?!" I walked in there aggravated just staring at everyone.

Kendrick walked up to me. "Jason there isn't anything to do."

"What do you mean? There's always something to do."

"No man not this time. We really don't have anything to do. Why don't we just chill for tonight." Kendrick put a hand on my shoulder.

"No there has to be something we can do. I can't just chill!"

"Jason calm down. We all need to relax right now anyway." Kendrick gave me a small grin.

"No. We need to do something. Why- why don't we go after the girl tonight? One day early can't hurt anything." I ran a hand through my hair.

"Jason just take some time off man." Jake walked over to me and Kendrick.

"No I-I can't I mean I'm a McCann. We don't just take some time off. We always have something going on."

"No Jason! You are going to relax. I can just see it in your eyes that you're exhausted. We will go after that girl tomorrow then you can get back to doing what you do. One night isn't going to hurt you. Go sit." Kendrick knows he can talk to me like that and he's the only one that can, and he takes advantage of that sometimes.

I waved him off. "Fine whatever. I'll be up in my room."

I Groaned and walked off not looking at anyone on my way up.

I got up there and I sat on the edge of my bed just bouncing my leg. I needed to do something besides just sit here.

We usually have a mission or an order to fulfill or something.

It's killing me just to sit here so I decided to write some things down that I could do to this new girl. I went and sat at my desk just thinking until all these ideas popped into my head.

Oh this was going to be fun. I can't wait! I have so much I want to do to her. I just hope she is strong enough to withstand it all.


Sorry this was a short chapter guys! I've been babysitting and I have had no time to update and it's really late, so I found time to update really quick. This chapter also sucky and I'm sorry for that.

Anyway 20 votes and 10comments for chapter 12

Go follow and read @XBoybelieberX books. He's really cool and you guys should check him out.

Much Love!!💜💜





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