"Yea I've been having some weird symptoms lately and I was hoping somebody could bring me back to good health. But I think I found just the person." Amir said as his eyes raked over her body.

Kamoni shook his head wanting to be any where but there.

"When you get done with all that, I got a survey I would like if you could fill out. If that's okay with you."

"Yea I'll take a look at it."

Kamoni was cracking up in his head knowing exactly what survey Amir was referring to. 

"So what type of symptoms have you been having lately?" The nurse asked Kamoni.

"I haven't had any symptoms." He said causing her to scrunch up her eyebrows in confusion.

"So basically baby, his throat been on fire, he's been coughing, nose been stuffy. Allat." Amir tapped on his chin thinking. "I feel like I'm forgetting something."

The nurse shook her head as she typed on the computer.

"So you have iatrophobia?" The nurse raised her eyebrow at Kamoni as she looked away from her computer.

"Fuck is that?"

She laughed before clarifying. "A fear of doctors or going to the doctors."

"No I just don't like when people tell me I'm something that I'm not." He said glancing at his mother as she walked back into the room.

"Boy hush. You sick and you know it."

"The doctor should be here any minute." She gathered all her things attempting to leave the room. Not before getting stopped by Amir.

"What about my survey?" He opened up his phone going to add a new contact.

As soon as she realized she giggled.

"I gotta give you that one. It was smooth." She said.

"Yea I've been working on it for a minute." He said as he smirked, twirling one of his dreads around his finger.

"I would, but that would be unprofessional of me."

"Alright how about this. I'll give you my number and you can text me anytime."

"Boy if you don't leave that girl alone." My mother spoke up.

I was dying of laughter at the whole scene. Shit was funny.

"I'll think about it." She said as she slipped the piece of paper into her pocket and finally turned to leave.

"Bye bae have a nice rest of your day." He smirked before shutting the door and turning to us. "And that ladies and gentlemen, is how you do it."

An hour ago, Breyona had just got off of work. Now she was laying in her bed trying to get some sleep considering all the work she just did. But Isis couldn't stop talking her ear off about some guy she had met.

"Girl look at what he just sent me." Isis said as she turned her phone to Breyona making her push Isis's hand away.

"I am not tryna see his dick. I just want some sleep."

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