•°•chapter six•°•

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Chloe's pov

By the time we pull up to the large barn like blue house Ron, optimus, sunny, uncle will,aunt Sarah, and another two boys stand outside on the gravel drive way. One boy has very blonde hair and a black streak in it and the other with brown hair and green eyes. Uncle Will's eyes meet the car as it parks and I feel my heart start to beat hard in my chest again. His brown eyebrows are brought up and his eyes gleam with relief and slight pancick. Aunt Sarah let's out a harsh breath that even I can see from in here.

"I.. " I start unable to think of what to say. Any energy that I had on the run is gone now and I feel like total crap. My life is terrible. I don't even know what to do with myself. Why'd I have to go and leave like that?

I don't even notice thst sides is already hopping out and walking to a worried uncle will. With a long sigh I unbuckle myself and jump out of the already open door. Before I can open my mouth to apologize I'm already in a pair of strong arms.

I smell wood and another type of cologne before looking up at a pair of eyes enlarged by grey rimmed glasses.

"Oh my god. Sarah and i- we were worried. You were gone!" He exclaims while rubbing circles into my back. I put my shaky hands around him and smother my face into him. Maybe it was the sudden vision that stirred up my emotions again or maybe it was something else. I don't care right now. I just need physical love.

"I-i'm sorry.. " I squeak out.

"I feel as if we're looking at something we're not supposed to.. " a voice says. Sides. With a cough of embarrassment uncle will let's go of me and turns to the others leaving me exposed and kind of cold from the lack of physical contact. I kind of just stand there fiddiling with my fingers and looking anywhere other then the faces that stare at me.

"Chloe, this is Sam witcky and bert Anderson." He says pointing to the new faces. The boy that looks closer to my age smiles with a small wave before pointing to the other man.

"You can call him bee if you want. It's his nickname. Also he's kinda.. Ah mute. " he says trying to find the right words.

I nod slightly as I look at the two. I can tell just by looking at them at how close they are.

"I'm Chloe.. Hope. " I mutter with a small sigh. I try to cover it up with a fake cough before looking at the ground once more.

"Humans are so weird.. " sunny growls with disgust before getting smacked hard by his brother. I stiffen at his weird words but don't take it to heart. He did call me a meat bag not to long ago.

"Sarah and I were talking.. And we thought that Sam could show you around town with bee. There's a mall near by as well. We also want to enroll you in Sam's high school. " uncle will explains. I look at the two guys before shifting my eyes back to uncle. The urge to cry suddenly hits me as I look at him. I don't want to go with them.

"C-cant you.. Just bring me? " I beg more than say. He frowns before a guiltly look passes on his face.

"Ron, optmus, and I have to go to work. And Sarah needs to take Annabelle to the doctor's." He says. I just sigh and nod in response. Guilt gnaws at me due to my stupidity. Of course they're busy.. They have lives too.

"But sides and sunny will go with you too if you like? " he says happily.

"What the sla-"

CANCEL♥♥Prophecy Child / A Transformers Fanfic♥♥CANCELTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang