The 6 months before this unforgettable dreadful day

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6 months before

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Me and my mother had been invited from my brother to a party that was for the troops who had just served a year in Iraqi with my brother. Friends and family were invited so me and my mother had gone to celebrate a successful year that they'd recently completed.

My mum had allowed me to drink as she thought i might need the help to loosen me up, from being surrounded by troops and the reminder of war. I was currently on my 3rd glass of vodka and coke which my mother things is my second glass. When my brother Marco pulled me and my mother up from our seats " come guys up! if I'm dancing you both are too!" he shouted over the music whilst gently pulling us to the cramped dance floor. "Marco i am not dancing!" i whined at him, he just smirked and pushed me into the centre of the dance floor. I stayed with them to please my brother for a couple of songs, until my brother and mother started doing a crazy embarrassing dance.

I moved through the people trying to go back to my table but in my haste of escaping my mother and brother i walked in the opposite direction of my target destination. From my hazing state due to the alcohol i found it even trickier maneuvering through the tightly pact dance floor, i was about to step out to the side as i lost my balance over a dancing limb.

I braced my self for the fall squeezing my eyes shut but the fall didn't happen. Opening my confused eyes i found my self looking up into the most  handsomest face id ever laid eyes on, i blushed beetroot red "you okay beautiful" he smirked down at me. OH...GOD that smile! i felt completely embarrassed trust me to go falling over... i knew these stilettos would course me damage.        "err...i'm...i...i'm so sorry...thank...thanks for the save" i stuttered whilst trying to get out of his embrace which had'nt loosened since he'd stood me upright.         " no problem" he flashed another handsome smile"         i pulled away strangely missing his touch which confused me. I flashed him grateful smile and started walking away i had'nt even taken two steps away from him when i felt his hand on my forearm. turning back around i smacked straight into him not realizing he'd taken a step with me ,his face now inches from mine.         " don't i get a dance for saving you and a name to place with your beautiful face" he smiled teasingly at me.         " oh sorry I'm Tara" i said thrusting my hand in between us. " beautiful name for a beautiful girl, I'm Chad" he wrapped his big manly hands around my small petite ones and i swear i felt electric currents from that one touch.         " nice meeting you chad" my voice wavered showing him my flustered state.         " may i have a dance Tara" he asked whilst still handing my hand. " yeah sure" i nervously started swaying my hips to the beat, I'm sure the alcohol id taken was the reason i was dancing with this extremely handsome man...i don't dance!

He placed his large strong hands on my small waist and we started swaying together to the beat, my body felt on fire, his hands felt like heaven around my waist. he moved his face closer to mine and i held my breath as he leaned down and ran his nose along my neck, his breath leaving goose bumps on my skin. I moved my hands from his shoulders down to his chest and ran my hands along his defined strong muscles. He groaned into my ear which turned me on even more i felt like my body was turning into flames.         " god Tara your so sexy" he whispered into my ear he moved his face from my neck back to my face, his lips were millimetres from mine feeling his breath blow across my lips i slipped my tongue out and wet them. This caused him to let a groan out, from the courage id been given from my 3 drinks i pursued the kiss.

Not even thinking about if my brother ( who was extremely protective of me ) or my mother could see me kissing this handsome stranger. When my lips grazed his the feeling of his lips touching mine felt like nothing id ever before experienced. He moved his lips with more pressure against mine causing the kiss to deepen, the kiss was out of this world, it was all consuming, i moved my fingers into his hair pulling him closer to me. His lips moulded with mine like they were made for our lips to only kiss like to pieces fitting together perfectly, his scent filled my sensing engulfing me up. i felt like time had stopped.

It suddenly hit me that i was heavily making out with a stranger who id met minutes before on a dance floor full of people for all to see including my brother and mother. I pulled away hating to do it but i had to get away from this man, and quit frankly the feelings cursing through me scared the living shit out of known the guy for what 10 minutes and i already possessed these feelings. Whereas he probably saw me as an desperate easy lay, i quickly pulled away and ran from the dance floor as i exited the building i turned and saw hes followed me,         the last memory of him was of his extremly hurt and confused expression that was on his extremly handsome face.

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