Katnappe's Invite

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The air around the temple was crisp and cool as the sun was setting over the edge for the day, an amber glow covering everything. It was in this setting that Omi found himself sitting on the fountain edge, meditating about the events that had transpired that day. Many things confused the Xiaolin monk; some were from how old he was, while others were from how naïve he tended to be about certain things.

The thing that bothered Omi the most was that Raimundo had accused Chase Young of something dishonorable, though Omi was still trying to figure this out what this dishonorable thing could be. What bothered him about all of this was that out of all the Heylin side, Omi had thought he had come to know that a certain Heylin warrior was built upon honor, so then why would he have done something dishonorable.

Of course, from the choice of Raimundo's words, it was obvious that the Brazilian boy had thought the same, but there was also something that had led him to at least for a moment to doubt the idea that all had come to know of a certain someone having an extremely honorable side. For Raimundo to have thought this; some things had to have happened and this thing had to be very bad.

Though Omi felt that he could defiantly trust Chase Young to not do something dishonorable, but then he really couldn't tell for sure unless he knew what this thing was that had gotten everyone so upset, including Chase for Raimundo to have accused him of having done such a thing. So Omi felt that he had to think about these things carefully, real carefully.

The first thing that Omi decided to think thoroughly about was the fact that Chase Young was spying on them. He knew that because the monks had no idea yet of what to do with Chase Young that Rai had ordered the warrior to remain in his lair until further notice. Along with this had been the order not to attack them. So then, what was the purpose of spying on them?

This bothered Omi as there had to be a logical explanation for as to why Chase had done this. Since Chase was defiantly known for his honor, it meant that the reason for spying on them wasn't to formulate an attack on them. However, it was defiantly being done for reconnaissance on all of them. The reason for this could not be easily determined, so Omi's mind went to the next thing of business.

For sure, what was it that had been falsely accused of? There were a few clues, one of which being that whatever it was that it was something that involved two people, one being a girl and one being a boy. Also, whatever it was could also bring about dishonor to one or both in the party, which explained why Kimiko was upset about the whole thing. Also, it was something that they didn't want them to know about.

This caused Omi to frown. The one reason that they tended to keep things from him was the fact that he was younger then the rest of the group. This also meant that they were treating him like a child in the matters going on about anything and everything… yet again. He felt that because they were a team that they should be more upfront with him.

"Why is it they see to treat me like a child," Omi muttered to no one in particular. However, Raimundo overheard him as he was passing by.

"Omi? Are you referring again to the fact we won't explain that thing to you?" the boy sighed.

Omi glanced up at him all of a sudden, a look of utter irritation on his face. "Should I really be speaking with you?"

"Does this have to do with the fact that I accused Chase of something that he didn't do? Isn't that over now?" Rai sighed, rolling his eyes at the younger boy.

"I was thinking more of how you choose Kimiko over Clay and myself," Omi gave his sternest reply. "But I guess that applies too. I may not yet know what you accused Chase and Kimiko of, but I do know that it was not a good thing for you to do."

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