Chapter 2: Home sweet home.

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Rose's POV

"Okay, talk to you soon. Bye."

I hung up on Cat and sat back in the cussions of the couch with a sigh. Talking to my sister had made me forget about everything for a minute, but as soon as the tone of her voice had left my ear, the silence hit harder than ever. With Jessie not being around, the living room seemed even bigger and that only made being alone even harder. I walked to the stereo installation and put on some music, in the hope that would ease the nagging feeling. But it didn't. Instead it only made it worse, as the first song to come on shuffle was Aerosmith's 'I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing'.

"Yeah, fuck you too", I muttered while quickly turning the thing back off. "I should get myself a cat."

Talking about pets, if Jessie wouldn't be allergic for most of them, our home would probably look like an animal farm by now. After we got married, we had bought a house on the countryside and it was that big that I had asked myself several times why the hell we'd buy it. But Jessie had fallen in love with it, and after a while, so had I. By now I couldn't miss it anymore, but on days like these, having some company around would be more than welcome. We had talked about taking a dog, but because I'm not that much of a dog person we eventually decided not to take one. I would always be the one to end up taking care about it the most, and I wasn't really looking forward to that.

I sighed deeply and ended up back on the couch, softly massaging my temples with my index fingers. A smile made its way on my lips when I thought back about seeing Jessie's face on my computer screen the other day. I had been so relieved she had called me on our anniversary, because for a second I had been convinced she would just let it pass by. Not that Jessie wasn't the romantic type, because she definitely was. The thing was that we hadn't been in the best situation lately. Before Jessie had to leave for the Phillipines, we sort of had a fight. I had gone to bed without saying another word to her and Jessie had spent the night on the couch. And because she had to leave early in the morning, we didn't really have the time to talk it out anymore. I had been feeling bad about it the whole week, but I couldn't find the courage to call her myself. Besides, I never knew when she had some time off. That's why I had been that relieved she had called me and that everything had gone back to normal again.

But even though I didn't have to worry about us anymore now, there was something else that was still eating on me. Because of course, there had been a serious reason for me and Jessie to have a fight. And it wasn't just something that could easily be forgotten about. It was something that had started to occupy my mind day in day out, since the day I had brought it up. And even though Jessie hadn't reacted the way I had hoped her to react, I couldn't stop thinking about a way to change her mind. I knew that over the past few years her career had been rising like an elevator and that by now she was at the top of the music business and doing everything she could to keep it that way. And I knew that the life we lived was a bit extraordinary. But that didn't take away the fact that I was still human. I was still an ordinary woman. And I was ready for a next step in our relationship. I was ready to build a family. I was ready to become a mum. Only Jessie wasn't with me yet. And I was desperate to turn her thoughts on becoming a parent. I only still had to find out how.


It was 8pm when I realised I had to eat something if I wanted to keep on functionating properly. I had hardly touched anything that came near to food that day and by now my body started protesting slightly. Consuming food was another thing that didn't go well when Jessie wasn't around. Normally, she was always the one who made sure my stomac was filled in time. And there was literally nothing that could compete with her freaking delicious meals. She's a god when it comes to cooking and it only became clear how miserable I am when it comes to preparing a decent meal, everytime Jessie wasn't there to do it. I'd always end up stuffing my stomac with a pack of cookies and some milk I'd find in the fridge, and so tonight was nothing different.

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