One Step Closer

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 Btw School has started for them. Just didn't put it in bc wasn't too important to the story at the time but just thought you should know

Jacob Harrison: Owen Joyner


Charlotte and Kyle are dating and I've never been more fucking upset about a girl in my life. I feel like shit. Not the level I felt after I remembered the day we stopped being friends and saw how much I'd hurt her, but close, yet greater than level I felt when Bianca told me and  she had slept with Mitch Bilsky. Why wasn't I good enough?

A normal person would have given up on their crush when they were told after they started dating someone their FWB relationship would end, but I'm not normal. In fact I liked Charlotte even more after she told me that. I thought maybe if she saw how much I cared she'd forget about Kyle. But no. They're together now. It's time to give up On my feelings for her.

She's happy with Kyle. Really happy. She trusts him more than me and he isn't a dick to her at times like me. He's never thrown her to the side like I did. I'm moving on. I'm find someone I like and who likes me back. Veronika has been dropping hits she'd want to be together again, but I'm not going back anymore. Our relationship is over and isn't worth reviving for a feelings rebound.

"I found a Dragon! We might be able to stop them!"

Charlotte says. Veronika walks out from the sprocket half asleep.

"You what?"

"I think we might be able to track them down."

"That's great! Let's go."

I say. We all pils into my car and drive.

"He was found going into the old storage place. Left here. Then straight ahead."

"This seems like a job for Kid Danger."

Veronika says. I park the car and change into my suit.

"I'll be back soon."

"Kick ass KD."

"Be safe Hen."

Charlotte says. She squeezes my hand and I smile.

"Of course."

"You gonna stare or fight?"

"Right. See ya later."

I say. I get out the car and circle around.


It takes a while and a lot of chasing, but I get the guy. He lives inside the unit and was alone. I didn't see any other sleeping bag so I guess he really was alone. I bring him back to the car and I see Veronika asleep in the back and Charlotte talking on phone. She's leaning against the car roof.

"Kyle Isaiah Peterson are you admitting to having fears?...Of water? What a baby."

She laughs. She sees me and ends the call.

"That him?"

"Him has a name."

"What is it then?"


"Ok Jacob. Come with us."

Charlotte says. We take him back to the store.

"You're not sending me to jail?"

"We have some questions. About the Dragons."

"Oh hell no. I'm not a snitch. I heard what happened to that Ghost who snitched to a Wall Dog...Wait is that her? She's on Kip's hit list. I'm not gonna be too, my lips will be sealed."

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