The Escape From My Father..

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They say at least 7 times a woman goes back to her abuser is the last time.. Because, She is killed when she returns..The 7th time.

Well, my mom must have thought about leaving and she did.. more than once, but, would return again and again..Here we were as early as I can remember about 3 months old laying on the bed with the baby blue blanket.. (I hate baby blue to this day!)

Well, back my story I think we were watching cartoons..You know for distraction purposes. Mom getting beat in the background the sound of glass crashing to the floor and my brother about 3 years old and I was about 3 months old.

He would grab my little hand and say.. Jeanie.. One day we gonna run away, when we get bigger.. I don't know where my sister was she was 4 years old.. either, she was hiding or trying to stop them from ,4 she would get in between them and say.. Mommy, Daddy..No More Fighting!" We even made a song about it! "No, more fighting" Wow!.. Three little innocent children born into chaos..

We had no chance like a snow ball in Hell! But.. God!! He came after my, day my brother was chasing me playing and my "Father" was angry as usual.. and chased my brother and I turned around and fell trying to make sure my brother was ok.. Well, he grabbed my brother and hung him out the window by one leg upside down!.Mom, later said when he started messing with you children that was it!

The Escape..
My brother was the target..So, one day my mom told my father that she was taking her and us three were going on vacation to visit my Grandparents in Memphis Michigan..on a farm!

City children coming from Bronx NY playing on top of the apartment building roof  tops to a Country town with grass! I was afraid of grass,with the only black people were my Grandparents, 1 sheriff, 1 school and no hospital. Yep! Mom planned her escape..We left that one day.. with our lives.. Mom, had two black eyes which she attempted to cover with dark glasses. She, kept saying, it's okay..but, it wasn't okay! We had to wait in the bus station and my mom was holding me my  sister and brother were standing with her..

My mom said to herself out loud.. "Should I go back to him.." and my brother heard her and responded No.."Mommie not unless God gives Him A New Mind!" We were not taught about God..

How did he know to say that of all things to say? at that time! God that's who. Well, what my brother said, resonated  with my mom..She told me something clicked in her mind and she knew she would not be back ever again!

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