vii. ghostin' (ben)

Start from the beginning

He just comes to visit me
When I'm dreaming every now and then (And then)

"Trust me, if you had my head you'd understand why I do whatever it takes to get high. Plus, it's not fun seeing him all the time. He's an annoying dude Y/N"
"It's not like I don't see him at all I guess. He's in my dreams sometimes. It'd be like old times. Just sitting and watching movies together, you know..."
The conversation had quickly come to a lull. Klaus breathed out and closed his eyes, lying down on his bed. He was battling with himself again, about whether to keep hurting you. You sat down at the doorframe, trying to find a position that was the most comfortable. Ben sat down next to you, placing his hand on top of yours, or trying to at least.

And after all that we been through (And after all that we been through)
There's so much to look forward to

The three of you sat for what seemed like hours, no one really saying anything. As the sun was finally setting and you were thinking about just getting up and leaving, Klaus spoke up.
"He says hello by the way."
Your head slowly lifted up, eyes stinging from crying so much. Ben turned his head towards his brother and smiled.
"Tell her I'm sorry I've put her through this pain."
"He's sorry he put you through so much pain-"
"That I wish I could spend my entire life with you."
"And he wishes he could spend his entire life with you."
Oh great, here comes the wave of tears again.

What was done and what was said
Leave it all here in this bed with you (With you)

You stood up, legs slightly cramping from the lack of blood. You hobbled over to the bed and finally layed down. You had your back to Klaus, and he put his arm around you. For once, you just wanted to leave everything behind. Finally get a good nights rest, close your eyes and not think about anything for a few hours. Ben once again sat down on the floor and stared up at you, amazed at how you could look so beautiful even with red eyes, a blotchy face and messed up hair.
"Please, Y/N, let me go. Be happy. Please."

Baby, you do it so well
You been so understanding, you been so good

The night came and went. You didn't realise that halfway through it, Klaus had gotten up and walked off, probably to find his drug dealer to numb the voices around him. Ben decided to stay, laying down in his place. He stared at the back of your head, every bone in his body wishing that he could touch you.

And I'm puttin' you through more than one ever should
And I'm hating myself 'cause you don't want to
Admit that it hurts you, baby

You dreamt of nothing. No thoughts of Ben filled your head, no fantasies of running away with him played in your mind. It was the deepest sleep you've had in years, and when you woke you felt ten years younger. You were alone in the bed, still in your clothes from yesterday. Breathing out, you stood up and walked to the bathroom to take a long, hot shower.

I know that it breaks your heart when I cry again
Over him, mmh

Walking out into the family room once again, you went to say your final goodbyes to everyone. You kissed Diego on the cheek, hugged Luther, told Vanya and Allison that you'd keep in touch (a promise you would try your hardest to keep), and gave Grace the biggest hug you could give. She needed it. Finally, you went searching for Klaus. To your luck, he was sitting in the dumpster outside the academy. You didn't bother asking.

I know that it breaks your heart when I cry again
'Stead of ghostin' him

"Woah, leaving so soon?"
"Yeah, I'm actually selling my place in the city. I want to go and stay with family for a bit. Figure out some stuff."
"Oh, so...will we ever see you again?"
"Awww, is little Klaus going to miss me?"
He grinned and punched my arm.
"It's not just me that's going to miss you."
He looked at an empty spot next to him. Your smile dropped slightly.

We'll get through this, we'll get past this, I'm a girl with
A whole lot of baggage

"I hope you find happiness Y/N. He wants that."
"So do I."
You leaned up and kissed Klaus on the cheek. You turn towards the empty spot in the dumpster. Putting your hand out, you grasped into thin air, giving one last attempt to feel him. Nothing but air. You gave one more smile to Klaus, and started walking away.
"He always loved you, you know!"
You stopped, but didn't turn around. You smiled to yourself and kept walking. Ben smiled as well, doing nothing to hide his tears.

But I love you, we'll get past this, I'm a girl with
A whole lot of baggage, yeah

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