chapter eleven

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Ninten woke up quickly. The morning sun's early light filtered through his window and lit up his room. He dressed, longing to be with Claus who was his fluffy ginger snuggle boy. He walked into the room and saw Claus talking with his brother. Trying not to interrupt, he slipped away and sat outside the door. "I can be patient." he told himself.

Lucas stared down at the ground, "I cant ask Ness... I just cant! If he says no then he'll think I'm weird and probably kick us out. If he says yes, then.. then I'll be really happy but.. I doubt it. He doesn't show signs that he cares about me or even wants to be my friend. So it's probably just a lost cause and I shouldn't say anything."

Claus slapped Lucas. "Hey, just because you feel like you're worthless doesn't mean that you are worthless. You're my little brother and I care for you just as much as I care for Ninten, okay? I believe in you and even if Ness does like you back doesn't mean that you should give up entirely. He'll come around someday, right?"

"Plop!" said Olli, from another universe.

Lucas put a hand to his face, "Ow... f-fine, jeez, I'll ask him."

"Now." snapped Claus.

"O-okay.." Lucas stood up, "I'll go..." he started walking away, looking for Ness. Ness hopped around the corner.

"Oh! Lucas, I need to tell you somethin- are you okay?" he slowly removed Lucas's hand and touched the mark. Lucas winced a little, then looked down.

"Y-you go first, Ness. I-I have something to say as well..."

"Okay. Well, uh, Lucas. I.. I like you. A lot. And, I might not show it and that's my fault but I do. I really do. I want to be there with you forever and protect you when danger comes around. I was to be the one person you can trust to cry with. Lucas. You.. I dont.. I dont know if you like me back and even if you dont, can we be better friends? Please?"

Lucas stared right into Ness's purple eyes. He was blushing madly, trying to calm himself. "I.. Ness! I love you too!" 

"Thank you, Lucas. Thank you so much..." he held Lucas's face carefully in his hands. Lucas leaned into them, saying nothing more.


Ninten walked into Claus's room, slipping onto his bed. "Hi, Ginger, good morning!" he cuddled with him for a while before noticing that Claus wouldn't look at him. "I-is something wrong? Claus?"

"Fine. Everything is fine." he muttered half-hardheartedly. He feels himself slowly slipping away from Ninten's grasp. "I'm just tired. I'm fine. I'll be fine."

"Claus, talk to me, please?" Ninten glanced up at him.

Claus stood up and walked a few paces away, tugging his shoulder sleeve further down his hidden arm, "I said I'm fine! Just leave me alone!"

Ninten edged closer, "Claus, something is wrong. We both know it."

Claus whipped around and glared at Ninten, "I SAID I"M FINE! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" his hair swept a little off his left eye. Ninten caught a glimpse of red. He paused and his jaw dropped a little before he silently slipped out of Claus's room. Claus had no words after this. It took him a few minutes to realize what he did wrong. He slipped down the wall of his room and curled into a ball, "I'm such an idiot... Ninten's a great person and he was only trying to help me..." he wanted to move to comfort Ninten; to say he was sorry but he couldn't move.

((Dont know where I'm going with this but have some drama.))

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