chapter seven

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Claus pulled back, apparently embarrassed for his action. His face was red, and he moved to try and avoid Ninten's gaze. "Sorry. I couldn't help myself."

Ninten touched the spot that Claus had kissed with his hand gently. He felt woozy. Why? he asked himself, Why am I feeling this way? About a boy? And of all people, it's him!

Ninten nodded, pretending that this was just a sick joke or something. "Yeahhh, haha! Y-you're an idiot-- pulling off a prank like that-- you-- uh-- gay boy."

Cough cough.

Claus laughed awkwardly with Ninten, He thinks it's a joke. Good, I think. Oh god. I'm a moron. 

Ninten stopped laughing and looked away. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, please tell me he's joking... or dont... m-maybe...

".... sorry." Claus was all red and he sat down. 

Ninten would sit down next to him and tried to say words, "Y-yeah, you too. I mean me t-too.. I mean.. holy shit I'm tired..." he started petting Claus's hair again. 

Just like in chapter 2 lol ecks dee wow

Claus didnt move or look at him or say anything. He just sat there with Ninten petting him.

"Thanks, Claus." Ninten began.


"I dunno. Maybe just... being here?"

"That's... a stupid reason."

He continued petting Claus, "Maybe life wont be so bad living with you."

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