chapter four

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After that strange conversation, Ness barged in on Ninten and Claus, telling them that they should all go somewhere tomorrow. In fact, Ness already signed up to go to a carnival without getting their full approval. In the end, they decided to go.

It was a strange night, that night. Ninten was actually happy for once (not that he never was happy, it's more like life was boring without a bit of spice) because of the arrival of the twins. He actually felt like he had a good friendly relationship with Claus.

That night, Ninten was kind of in a deep thought process, trying to figure things out. "Oh well," he told himself, "tomorrow will be a good day." he'd nod to himself.

That night, a platonic love was started, then slowly develop into something much more.


It was morning. Ninten had a dream. About carrots. Then he fell out of bed, instantly waking himself up.

He'd groan, having been woken up in such a strange way, but dressed quickly without complaining. 

The first person he ran into was Ness, who poked Ninten's shoulder, "Shouldn't you wear something nicer? The four of us are going somewhere after all."

Ninten shook his head, "The only way I'll redress is if I get to wear that giant hoodie you hate."

Ness stuck out his tongue, "Fine. Wear that, just change."

And so, Ninten changed into a similar set of clothing, denim shorts, solid red color T-shirt, icon hat and scarf, and slipped on a giant hoodie that extended below his waist before exiting the room.

He walked back out, rushing down the stairway and almost tripping on the hoodie, "Oof!" He was about to hit the floor when a certain ginger caught him, and pulled him upwards.

"You okay?" asked Claus. Ninten nodded, embarrassed. Claus patted Ninten on the head then brushed away a rogue strange of hair from his face. 

Ninten flinched at Claus's touch and was confused why he acted this way towards him. "Thanks, Claus. We should meet up with the others now."

Claus nodded, dragging Ninten behind him into the living room. Lucas and Ness were already there, waiting for them apparently.  Ness nodded at their arrival, "We should take the bus, since none of us can drive. It's also a long walk and we'll probably be tired before we finish getting there."

Ninten turned, "Nobody is disagreeing with you, so why are you giving out reasons, Ness? Anyways we should probably head off now."

Ness nodded and led them to the front door, letting them through. The four teenagers then started making their way to the bus stations, crossing through roads and crosswalks.

They finally made it to the bus station, Ninten paid for the tickets, and hopped onto the bus.

Sadly, it was jam packed full of people, and Ninten and Claus were smushed together uncomfortably. "Sorry," whispered Ninten.

Claus nodded, "I understand." They fell silent after that, wishing that the ride would end soon. At the same time, they sort of found a peace with each other's presence. 

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