Ch. 19 Moon Over Bourbon Street

Start from the beginning

Right then, one of the wolves- Oliver- walked up to us. He was Jackson's best friend, so I had been trying to tolerate him. He had a loud mouth, however. And I had learned that he was the one who had turned Rebekah over to the witches, leading to her being kicked out of town by Klaus. "Then we can just forget that they both spent half their lives with humans and the other half with vampires," he said.

"Ollie, back off," Jackson told him.

"It's okay," Hayley said.

"Yeah, if the runt of the litter wants to say something to us, he should say it," I said.

"You know, word from the Quarter is your boy Elijah is holding some kind of power summit. Guess who wasn't invited," Oliver told us.

Me and Hayley exchanged a look. "Did you know?" Hayley asked.

"No, he hasn't told me anything," I said.

"Where did you hear this?" Hayley asked the blond werewolf.

"It doesn't matter. The point is that we're stuck here living in a swamp while your vampire boyfriends are deciding who gets what in the city. I guess that shows how much respect they got for the werewolves, huh?" Oliver said.


I charged into Klaus' room to find him painting. "Tell me you knew nothing about this," I said.

"About what, love?" he asked, not looking up.

"Elijah's little meeting that the werewolves were excluded from. What happened to you running the Quarter?" I asked.

"I lost interest. Elijah decided to work on fixing things because apparently the factions have been getting into fights," he said.

"So you were no part of this?" I asked, my arms crossed over my chest.

"No. I'm guessing from your anger that you and your sister broke that little curse. Nice of you to call," he said.

"Their Hayley's family and she is my family. I had to make sure everything went okay," I told him.

"So you moved out," he said, turning towards me.

I smiled. "Did you miss me?" I asked.

Klaus rolled his eyes, turning away from me. "Well, usually when you tell a woman you love her for the first time she doesn't immediately decide to move out," he said.

That caught me off guard. A part of me knew he had a point, but I tried to remind myself it had been for Hayley. "That had nothing to do with you," I said.

He sat down his paint and turned towards me. "Really? Because despite popular opinion, I pay attention to things, Rory. I know when you're running," he told me.

He was looking me right in the eyes now and it only made it worse. I opened my mouth to respond, but all that came out was a sigh. I turned away and took a step back. "I'm not running, Klaus. I can't exactly run from you metaphorically or literally right now," I said, gesturing to my bump.

"That doesn't change anything and we both know it," he said.

Again, he had to have a point. Klaus had seen me struggle to co-parent Lilly for a year. He knew I would do it again if I had to.

"I- I've never had this Klaus. Yes, I have Lilly, I was with Tyler, but this is so much different. With Ty I think a part of me always knew it was going to fall apart. I knew it wasn't going to last and that's why we were never more than we were. But this," I gestured between us, "it doesn't feel like it's going to fall apart. It feels like it's real and somehow that is scarier."

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