Chapter 27

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Violet POV

Tonight was the night of the Halloween party. Many people already dressed up, while Lea and I were still in our room getting ready. She picked out the matching police costumes and convinced me to wear that short thing with her to the party. I told Cameron that I would just meet him at the party with Lea. He went with Jack and he didn't want to make things awkward between Lea and him. He said he wanted to "surprise" me with what he picked out as his costume.

"Now here, I got us a pair of matching eye masks to go with the outfit," Lea said while handing over one of the glittery black masks.

"Why are we wearing masks? It will be dark in there and people wouldn't know who is who-"

"I just thought it would look cute. And people will know, I have this charm bracelet," Lea said lifting her arm to show me her golden bracelet given to her by her grandmother. "So people will know that the girl with the bracelet is me."

Her comment made me laugh , "Sweetie, no one will be looking at your arm to see if you have a bracelet on."

"It doesn't matter Violet, so what, people will think I am you , and you are me. It will be fun!! It's out first Halloween party, let's just have fun."

Lea was right, it was my first Halloween party and knowing that I will be celebrating it with my boyfriend and my best-friend just made it better. I was excited , and when we were ready we made our way out the door with our matching outfits. Lea walked in her stripper police officer heels with confidence while she was leading me to our location. Until out of no where, she stopped walking and turned around to look at me.

"What wrong?"

"I'm just nervous, Jack will be there and we haven't talked for weeks. I just feel a bit...uneasy right now," Lea said nervously to me while walking back and forth in the hallway.

"Lea, calm down, just don't focus on Jack today. I haven't talked to him either."

Which is true, both of us did not talk to Jack. While it was killing Lea inside it was killing me too. But unlike Lea, I didn't have a good reason to feel this way. "Listen, tonight just stick with me. Don't pay attention to Jack. Hopefully, he will come around."

In my mind, hopefully he will come around for me too.

This time I took charge and walked Lea to the party. Nearly everyone was there and Lea grabbed a drink as soon as she walked in.

"Wow baby you look hot!" I heard a familiar voice say behind me with a familiar touch around my waist. It was Cameron, and as a turned around a noticed he dressed up as a criminal.

"Haha nice, dress up as a criminal while I'm a police woman," I said while laughing. "Aren't you hilarious."

"Well, you had to expect it , you can arrest me tonight if you want."

He shot a wink at me and made his way down my back.

"Uh, I'm gonna go look for Mallory," I said before he could move his hand any lower.

I pulled away and wandered off to the crowd noticing Lea was dancing with a group of friends she made in class. Until I saw Jack standing in the corner with one drink in his hand. From the distance, he looked at me back and then looked down on his drink. He wore a vampire costume and had his shirt ripped up , with blood stains all over his body.

I looked away, until I found Mallory near the drinks. I made my way towards her, and gave her a hug. "Wow, Violet, you look amazing!! I swear a girl is dressed just like you in this place."

I giggled , "Yea that's Lea, we are wearing matching outfits!"

Mallory didn't like Lea still after what she has done to me in the past. "Well, you look hotter than her," she said after taking another sip of her drink. "Plus, Jack even told me that he broke up with her."

They never really had an official break up. He just stopped talking to her, but yet, he did the same thing to me.

As the night progressed, everyone was completely drunk except for me. I had a few drinks but I was able to stand on my feet. People were jumping up and down, everything was dark and it was crowded. Lea was dancing the night away and many noticed our matching outfits. It was an amazing night until Cameron whispered in my ear, "let's get out of here, baby."

"No , um it's okay we can stay here." I said nervously looking around the crowd of people.

"Come on, the night is almost over, let's just go."

He grabbed my hand and walked me out of the party.

Jack POV

The place got crowded and everyone was having a good time. I saw Violet from a distance and she looked amazing with a police officer costume. However, it was the last time I saw her this night. I was nervous that Cameron took her back to our place like he planned. As I searched around the crowded place with the music blasting, I saw her standing near the bar. I came up to her from behind and grabbed her wrist noticing her golden bracelet.

She turned around wearing her eye mask but since the place was dark I wasn't able to see her face clearly.

I was nervous to be this close to her and whispered in her ear, "Violet, please don't do this. Don't go home with Cameron tonight. Be with me!! I like you and only you and I know you feel the same way about me. Please don't go for him!"

She seemed shocked by what I said but she didn't say anything. Instead she stood there silently , looking into my eyes through her mask. She felt differently, she didn't have that gentle touch anymore. It was like I couldn't even recognize her anymore. After a few seconds of silence she walked away from me to the crowd.

I couldn't lose her like this and I knew that being with Cameron tonight would be her biggest mistake. I didn't want to see a girl like her being hurt by a guy like him. However, I tried to stop her and she didn't listen to me. I felt hurt , and I had no one to turn to in such a crowded place.


I know I have not been posting a lot lately and it is because of my school schedule. However, now that it is more organized I will be posting more. I will try to post one every week on Saturday and sometimes two updates. I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

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