Little Devil's smile chilled him as she took a step forward with each step he took back. "Oh, I'm not Marinette." She responded sweetly. "I'm the devil you all made her out to be."

"Marinette look I'm sorry about-"

"No." She cut him off. "It's fine." Her tone was still sickly sweet as she closed in on him. "You want me to be the bad guy? Fine." She said nonchalantly. "Now, I am the bad guy." Marinette narrowed her eyes at Nathaniel as whispers began to fill into his ears.

You liked Marinette, and then get akumatized and pretty much kidnap her. Its a miracle she's even still so nice to you. Any sane person wouldn't even give you the time of day anymore.

Not to mention how you treated Marc about his ladybug book. He's so nice even after you pretty much ripped out his heart. You don't deserve it.

"No!" Nathaniel shouted as he covered his ears from the whispers.

You're such a freak, the only reason anyone even talks to you is that they have to.

You're not a good person, so why would they if they didn't have to?

The whispers grew louder and louder reminding him of every insecurity, every embarrassment, every wrong thing he has ever done. Nathaniel could feel himself starting to cry at the resurgence of the memories.

"You'll find that everyone has a little devil that whispers in their ear." Little Devil said as Nathaniel began to scream. His skin began to burn as it turned red, and that became the only thing that he could see. With a growl, the now demonic Nathaniel jumped down from the second floor of the atrium and began aggressively chasing the students that were gathered down there. The red mini-me devils that formed around Nathaniel returned to her. She wondered if anyone else could see them, but none of that mattered. She had a lesson to teach her so-called friends and the rest of Paris. After that, with this power, she could finally take down Hawkmoth.

Chapter 2

Chapter Notes

Wow, so I wasn't really expecting to continue this, but a lot of people asked for a part two of the fanfiction on @zoe-oneesama 's Akuma!Marinette art. Honestly, I'm just blown away by all the support this little fic had gotten. (Original notes from Tumblr posting)

Adrien heard the scream first and was on his feet before anyone could react.

"What was that?" Alya asked. She was standing now too. "Another Akuma?" He noticed the way her eyes flickered over to Nino and Chloe. Adrien tensed. There was no way he could leave with everyone here if it were an Akuma. Adrien scanned the room taking in all the people. Madame Bustier had left giving the class a small break after the commotion that had been caused. And after Marinette had left upset, Nathaniel suggested that he go try and talk to her. It had been a few minutes. Nathaniel should have been back by now, and so should have Marinette. Adrien had never known Marinette to let anything affect so much that she could cry. His heart tightened as he remembered the first couple of tears that slide down her face. They were too harsh on her. He realized that the moment he saw the tears. He should have stood up for her, after all, He knew that Lila had a tendency to lie after the whole Volpina incident.

"Do you guys think that Marinette...." Rose trailed off saying the words that everyone, especially Adrien, was thinking. Alya turned around and glared at the short-haired girl.

"Marinette would never become an Akuma," Alya said adamantly. "She's always so positive. She wouldn't let a little thing like this get her Akumatized."

Next to him, Chloe snorted, "Little thing," She quoted sarcastically. "That's funny. Honestly watching you guys turn on Marinette for Leela was absolutely hilarious. I should have brought Popcorn. I can't believe you guys are actually dumb enough to believe her stupid lies and name drops." Chloe whipped her ponytail as she turned to Lila with a grin. "I have to say maybe I'm gonna have to give away the title as meanest girl in the school away to the rest of class. I mean, as much as I try to hurt Marinette's feelings, I've never made her cry. Good job, guys." Lila's face turned, but she wasn't the only one.

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