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Song for the chapter // Move Along - The All-American Rejects

"Thanks," Ashton smiles at the working Barista, letting his hand linger on top of hers for a few seconds as he takes his everyday 'six am coffee'.

She smiles sweetly at him, nodding and returning back to the customers in line for the shop's famous Latte.

Ashton opens the door, walking out of the small coffee shop. Since he was self employed, he could get up and start 'working' whenever he wanted to.

A wondrous writer once told him, 'To write a book, you have to feel something. You have to feel something about the characters, you have to feel something when things happen to them; you can't write a book about love when you can't find any.'

And of coarse, at six am every morning, that's what Ashton looked for.

He wasn't exactly looking for it for himself, he wanted the feeling to come free to him. He didn't want to have to look for it.

Just like peace, he saw it in everyone.

Ashton was ripped from his thoughts as someone slammed an apartment building door, screaming and dropping pieces of clothing as she tried her best to shove them into her black duffle bag.

"Stop! I'm done! This happens every damn time!" She yells, not stoping to grab her dropped items.

"Hey, hey-" the boy following her says, grabbing her arm and pulling her around to face him. "Slow down, babe."

"Don't do that, Luke! If you seriously think I'm going to forgive you after what happened- you're wrong."

"Mack- c'mon. Just come inside, we can talk about this." Luke smiles, obviously trying to sweet talk his friend (girlfriend?) into whatever he wanted.

"This happen's every time! Every single time, Luke. You do some shit like this, and then turn around and expect me to run back into your arms! Well, I'm done. I'm done with you and your secondary bullshit." She yells. You can only really tell she's crying by the time she finishes; her voice cracks and the tears that were pricking at her eyes finally spilling.

"Mack. Flynn, baby.." He says, reaching out to grab her shoulder.

She jerks away, bending over and grabbing the shirt and pair of shorts that had dropped from her bag, and turning to cross the street.

Since it was still about six, it was kind of dark. The streets were empty, along with the sidewalks and the shops that lined the block.

She runs into the coffee shop, stopping and not giving Ashton a second glance.

Ashton watches closely as the boy, Luke, silently keeps his place, watching the door of the coffee shop.

He felt like it was a relationship where he acted like nothing bothered him, and he didn't have feelings, but when it got down to it, he would break down at the sight of his girl even glancing at another man.

Glancing back and forth between the shop and the boy, Ashton stood up, and walked into 'The Ground Up Café'


HII! This is short as well, next chapters are going to be longer. I've literally re written this chapter so many times before and I hope this is better omg. I've had s terrible time with this! But things will be starting up, no worries (: x

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