Power Of The Soul

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"That's good BlackStar but the real fight starts now" you said.

BlackStar takes a battle stance ready for your attack only for him to see blue lightning forming around your body as you remove your white top revealing a well toned body and in the corner of your eye you could see Tsubaki with a blush on her face which made you smile.

You get in a fighting stance as well as your brown hair changes to a light blue with blue glowing eyes as you could tell BlackStar was not going to back down but after finishing your transformation you stand straight and look at BlackStar.

"BlackStar this is my power it's called soul revolution" you said as you gain a smile from BlackStar.

You rush at BlackStar kicking him in the gut causing him to go flying in the air before jumping up and punch him back to the ground only to see him jump back with a little blood running down his mouth.

"Well that is something teach but your going to have to do better than that" BlackStar says as he stands up with a smile on his face showing he was having fun.

[I was right BlackStar is strong but is unbalanced he as only improved his strength but his stealth skills are still low Tsubaki has been helping him a bit to much so I now exactly how to help BlackStar improve] you thought as you give him a smile as well.

The both of you rush at each other and soon collide that causes sparks to appear as everyone can hear the fighting but not see it as to te speed you both were fighting at but Tsubaki could see it as clear as day.

BlackStar gave you a punch to the face but you counter with a kick to the ribs after the exchange you both separate as you both breath heavy but BlackStar just smiles.

"Lets end this BlackStar" you say as BlackStar nods.

Before you could attack with one more blow a piece of the DWMA starts to fall which notice is above Tsubaki who can't dodge it in time.

"TSUBAKI GET DOWN" you shout as you form a small blue orb in your right hand and punch it with your fist sending it and the object.

"SOUL WAVE CANNON" you shout as everyone sees the huge piece of stone get blown up and turned in to dust.

After saving Tsubaki you run to her and make sure she is ok luckly she only passed out so you pick her up carefully and look at the class.

"Ok everyone class is over for today I'm going to take Tsubaki to the school nurse and make sure she is ok" you say as you start walking to the nurses office were Marie was put after Medusa was finally defeated by Maka and Soul.

As walked in Marie could see the worry in your eyes as you placed Tsubaki on the bed you turn your head to Marie and speak.

"Can you make sure she is ok" you said as Marie nodded.

You were about to leave the room when Marie said "Rex she will be ok this isn't your fault" as you grab the door handle and say "I guess Spirit was right I'm not cut out to be a teacher my first day and I already have to bring one of my students to the nurse" you walk through the door leaving Marie to wonder if you still couldn't forgive what happened back then.

You were walking down the hall after grabbing a new shirt as you walked into the classroom sit at your desk and open the first draw and pull out a picture of a little girl which causes you to have smile on your face as you notice a boy with pink hair walk in.

"Hello there you must be Crona I've heard a lot about you" you say as he takes a seat in front of the desk.

"Um Mr Rex is it ok if I speak to you about something" said Crona nervously.

"Of course you can Crona I am here to guide you and the other meister and weapons here so go on speak when your ready" you say calmly to help easy Crona's nervousness.

"Well Mr Rex I don't feel like I belong here being the son of a witch" Crona says as you notice a tear falling down his face.

You give him a small smile as you get up and walk round to him and give him a hug as you say "Crona being the son of a witch doesn't matter to me you are just scared little boy let me give you a little bit of advice never hold your tears back let them flow and then you will be set free" after you spoke Crona began crying harder but you knew he was happy because someone finally understood him.

Just outside your classroom door stood a man with silver hair and stitches on his clothes and a metal screw sticking of his head and next to him was Marie who smiled and says "he is really amazing Stein he managed to help Crona so easily and to think he was 1 of the people to fight against the kishin" Stein just smiles as they both walk away but what they didn't know was a little spy listening.

[Rex has fought the kishin before] Tsubaki thought.


Soul eater The outlaw of a ninja girlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon