Day 7

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Marie was awoken to voices in the kitchen that was nearby.
Her clothles were nowhere to be found. Upon hearing footsteps approaching the room, she slid further underneath the covers. The voice was familar to her. It was Bon.

"You awake yet? Thought I heard you in here."

Marie slid up from under the covers. "Yeah. What time is it?"

"9:00. So the middle of the night basically."

Marie laughed. "Then what are you doing up?"

"Couldn't sleep."

"Angus here?"

"Yeah in the kitchen. Probobly fallen asleep on the floor by now. The tea only goes so far."

"Far enough for me." Marie sat up, covering herself again with her dark blue dress. "I had fun last night. Gave me the thrill of my life."

"I had fun too."

"See you don't need alchoul to have fun."

"Sure I don't but sometimes it helps."

"You're impossible sometimes." Marie joked and kissed him. Bon wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into a deeper kiss.

"Bon wait I have morning breath!"

"It's not bad don't worry."

"Angus is here! Plus he's nosy."

Bon sighed. "Okay you're right. But I'm here for whatever your needs are." He said with a wink.

"Make me pancakes with icing sugar on them."

"Well thats awfully specific. Too bad I suck at cooking."

"I can make them. And remember we are just cooking. Nothing else. Don't be distracting."

"Oh what will you do then?"

"I'll throw flour at you."

"Oh so scary."

"Fuck off Bon."

Since Marie didn't have the recipe, and she couldn't look it up on her phone becuase duh, she was in 1980, she was doing it by memory. It would probobly taste like total shit, but she didn't care becuase of how hungry she was. She watched Bon and Angus in the living room as she stirred the ingredients together. The one thing she was afraid of was coming true. Falling in love. The worst part was she would have to leave him eventually. In two fucking days. At the thought of it, Marie fell to her knees crying.

Bon, instantly responding to the women in distress, made his way into the kitchen to find pancake batter carelessly dropped onto the floor, as well as tears streaming down her face.

The only thing Marie had said for several seconds after Bon had wrapped his arms around her was "I'm sorry about the mess. I'm kinda clumsy."

Bon hugged her tighter. "I don't give a fuck about the mess. I just want you to be okay. Now tell me what in the hell you're crying about?"

"Can't tell you." She answerd ashamly.

"Can't tell me? Why not?"

"I just have a secret. No, I'm not secretly lesbian in case that's what you were going to ask."

"No I wasn't..but even if you were I wouldn't get mad."

"I'm not gay!"

"I just hate seeing you cry. You're special to me. I'm serious. We've only known eachother a week, but it feels like forever."

If I Can Fix A Man In Nine Days (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now