Day 6

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Marie awoke herself the next morning, a pleasant high feeling was present with her. She felt all jittery, like a little school girl getting a valentine with a little red sucker in it.

She'd thought about what Bon said the previous night a lot. She knew he meant it, at least she had evidence towards the truth of the statement, he was sober. She'd only question anything he said if he was wasted, which is the opposite of what most people would do. It's sometimes believed that when people are impaired it's also when their true feelings become exposed. Maybe Marie didn't feed into that narrative because when people she's familiar with get a little out of it, they just ramble on about nothing for hours and dance around like idiots.

She'd made herself feel so guilty. Mainly for living a lie, but also for just staying still and silent after his confession.

The women finished finicking with her bracelet and finally put it on. She hadn't worn it in a long time, it was only due to her luck that it somehow ended up travelling with her.

She always wore it for luck. It was a small leather bracelet, with a metal plate on it with "Finn" wrote in large capital letters. She had a little Valentine's Day necklace too.

Eva would obviously have known about the confession, and Marie didn't expect she'd be too pleased with it. Marie liked Eva okay, but sometimes she got on the poor women's nerves.

A broken clock is right twice a day.

Swinging her purse to the side, Marie slowly opened the door to the outdoor world. She only had three more days with Bon. The time sure was flying. To Marie it felt like just yesterday that she awoke in the mysterious land and later fainted in front of Bon Scott. That wasn't her proudest moment but that was a small portion of her time here.

Marie carefully knocked on the door, (knocking even at an average effort hurt her hands extremely) and awaited an answer. She knew they weren't practicing, one of the windows was open and those gutairs were pretty loud.

Bon answered the door with a smile. "Cmon in." Marie nodded and stepped inside the house.

"You aren't too busy are you? If so I can come back later."

"No no don't be silly sweetheart. You're always welcome around here." Bon smiled and Marie gave him half of one.

She pointed to a pile of papers on the kitchen table. "New songs you're writing?"

"Yeah. Getting ready for the new album. I'll show you the songs once their finished."

"Can't I see some of them now? There must be some that are done."

"I suppose so."

"I'll be gone in a few days, won't have much more time with you."

Bon's face turned from excitement to a frown very quickly. "Didn't know you were leaving so soon."

"The 18th is my last night here. I leave the next evening."

"You'll call me right?"

Marie didn't have permission nor the time to explain why that couldn't happen. She was rather lucky Angus appeard out of nowhere at that exact moment. Saved by the crazy school boy. Sorta like being saved by the bell.

"Sorry bad timing?" Marie sighed after hearing his question.

"No." She replied plainly. "What's up Ang?"

"Oh nothin just somethin for the new song." He said and lit his cigerette.

Bon turned from Angus to Marie. "Hey I'm free tonight. You maybe wanna go for dinner?"

Angus looked up from the paper. "Oooh can I come?"

Bon rolled his eyes and Angus smirked.

"Oh right. You wanna bring her on a date." Angus ignored the threatening look Bon gave him.

Bon turned towards him, and mouthed "I'm gonna fucking kill you Ang."

Marie broke apart the interaction between the two men. "Actully I am free I'd love to go for dinner. It's a date then."

Bon smiled. "Great."

"I'll be here at 5. I'll leave you two to your own busniss. Try not to kill eachother."

Bon looked at Ang with a shit eating grin. "Sorry sweetheart there's no promises on my part.

Angus flipped him the bird. Marie rolled her eyes and showed herself out. Bon's smile didn't leave his face, however this time it was more pleasant.

"I think I'm in love Ang." Bon said with his head in the clouds.

"You always say that but they don't stick around." Angus replied and picked at his gutair. "Kidding."

"Seriously have you ever seen a women more perfect than she is?!"

"No Bon no I have not."

"You better not be thingin' for my baby."

"She's not your baby Bon...not yet at least. Don't mean to be a debby downer, but isn't she leaving soon anyways?"

"Maybe I could convince her to stay."

"And drop out of collage?"

"It's true love Ang. I just know it."

"You told her how you feel?"

"Last night. She didn't say much."

Angus stopped fidgeting with his gutair and gave Bon a look of sympathy.

Marie finished applying her perfume. She'd managed to get herself a blue dress to wear for her date. The only makeup she chose to wear was some lipstick, which she felt had the perfect colour to compliment her soft and welcoming lips.

She also got matching shoes to go with the dress. To say this outfit was easy to put together would be an understatement. It was a meeting in the middle since her mother wanted her to wear something that was coloured vibrantly, and she wanted to go with a more mysterious black.

So dark blue was the colour of the dress chosen. Her purse was the only thing that didn't match. Of course it was black, so it didn't look that bad.

"Just a minute!" Despite the obvious fact that Bon wouldn't see, the women just nodded in reply and waited outside his door patiently.

Bon opened the door and his eyes widened as soon as he saw her. "You look gorgeous!"

"Thanks. And you look very handsome. Nice motercycle by the way."

"Thanks. I just got it. Spent pretty much all my life savings on it, but I'd say its worth it. The guy who sold it to me said it would be a chick magnet."

Marie couldn't help but laugh. "Guessing you two got along pretty well then?"

"Haven't seen him since then though."

"You got this running yet?"


"Well why don't we take it for a test drive?"

"What about dinner?"

"We can go after. Cmon just take me for a ride! It would make me really happy!"

"Why do you have to be so hard to say no to?"

Marie shrugged and smiled.

Bon gave up. "Okay hop on. Damn you got me wrapped around your finger."

"I have that talent."

He started it up. "Hold on I drive fast."

"I'll take that into account."

She wrapped her arms around him tight as they flew out of the driveway.

Something happend that night. It was happening when they were soaring around the city on the motorcycle, it was happening later that night in Bon's bedroom. Nobody could ever explain it. Something just happend.

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