.: Pique :.

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Drip Drip Drip

I felt my eyes involuntarily flutter open. To my surprise, I found myself in a gloomy cave. As my head whipped either side, I noticed a navy blue bundle of hair and a bright pink cape draped across a sleeping body. Was THAT Kris? Its head perked up and it pushed itself up. I could recognize that mop anywhere! Kris! I quickly stood up and ran towards the human, but as fast as I stood up, I slowed back down again. The muscles in my face twisted in disgust. Why was their skin blue?

"K-Kris? Your skin is, uh, blue. Is that normal?"

Whilst I was proclaiming my distress, the quiet smurf started walking away, I asked myself: "Was this normal for them to be so calm?". I glanced back at them, the human being so far ahead that I had to sprint to catch up to them.

They seemed to hear my reverberating footsteps because they slowed down. Sadly, I was too close to Kris that I didn't have enough time to process the sudden pace change and ultimately slammed my body against the pale, purple wall.

"Ouch... that hurt," I cried in agony.

Kris merely just patted my back to help me get over my searing pain. What a nice friend they were, so very considerate. I was actually just glad that Susie wasn't there to see my mishap and if she did, she wouldn't let me hear the end of it. I stole a quick glance at Kris, they seemed to know where they were going. I opened my mouth to speak.

"So... Where are we going?" I made sure to drag out the 'o' in 'so' to express my deep irritation and boredom towards the current predicament. I stared at their face for what seemed like hours; Kris' facial expression did not change at all. It felt like we had a mini staring competition.

The blue human just responded with a small shrug of the shoulders and a soft grunt. When was this guy going to speak? Were they even capable of speaking? Probably not.

I didn't want to be alone, so I followed Kris and they didn't seem to mind. A series of walls came into view, many of which had crevices that oozed out a black, oily substance. Ew. As I began to space out, a childish chortle snapped me back into reality. Kris and I focused on a pearl-grey creature that resembled closely to a cliche alien antenna that sat on top of a bright green body. I gazed longer at the creatures, taking into account the way their bodies jiggled every time I passed them. I looked back at Kris and they were already about 50-or-so meters in front of me. I could've sworn the kid had some sort of super-human ability! I sprinted towards Kris, almost tripping on a tiny rock that I couldn't see, and once I reached the cape-wearing 'knight' we both looked over the edge of a small-scaled waterfall. The water, that flowed in a steady stream, possessed a pale wine colour - it didn't seem to move. It was like those videos online that showed a water flow but it didn't look like it because it was very cold, or something like that?

Kris jumped.

"W-Wait! Don't leave me!" I screamed to the deranged prepubescent and reluctantly scrambled to get down the unusual waterfall. What greeted me when I arrived at the bottom were lumps of whispy spider webs, or at least that's what I thought they were. I was curious and stabbed my (Choice of Weapon/CW) at it, oh I forgot to mention about the weapon. A bunch of butterfly look-alikes bursts out of the broken web. Curiouser and curiouser.

I continued to wander around, completely oblivious to the fact that Kris had stopped right in front of me, staring at a lump blocking our way out. I obviously smacked right into their back and landed on the ground with an audible THUD. Kris held their stance somehow.

"Ugh... erm... Kris?" I looked at the obstacle "Want me to break it?"

The blueberry child just nodded their head in acknowledgment. I speed-walked to the white mass and slash it with my (C/W). A larger flurry of butterflies emerged, when I could see through the flutter, I immediately notice a splash of pink against the dull colour of the winged nymphalids. Then the creature took a step back in surprise.

"H-hey! B... back off! Come any closer and I'll... !!" Wait... I knew that rough, punk-ish, rebellious voice from a mile or so away! I mean how would I forget someone who threatened to bruise up my face?

"Susie?" I question the pink dinosaur.

"...(Y-... (Y/N)!? And Kris too? Phew..." Her face relaxed at the sight of us, though it was quite strange how she knew my name, after all, I never told her it...

"... Hey,  don't scare me like that, dumbass!" A few beads of sweat form on her temples "Unless you WANT to get clocked in the face, heh,"

"I didn't think someone like you could be scared," I retorted, my face down to hide the faint smirk I let form on my lips. I could feel her intense glare burn through my skull like acid. I never felt what an acid burn was like so I'd never know, but it would be a similar feeling to this one.

Her gaze left my head and I heard her say, "... anyway, enough screwing around," She looked at Kris, who had silently made their way next to me "We gotta find a way outta here,".

She turned to look behind her and to her right, "Umm... Where is 'here' anyway...?". I opened my mouth to speak but I suddenly got interrupted.

"It doesn't matter! YOU TWO got us into this mess, YOU TWO get us out," Susie's voice boomed throughout the cave.

"Wow, so much for teamwork," I spoke indistinctly.

"WHAT WAS THAT YOU SHRIMP?!" She questioned me.

"I said 'Wow, so much for teamwork', are you really that hard of hearing?" I remarked. It was extremely joyous to wind her up like that, of course, it wasn't joyous if I got socked in the face.

"WHY YOU LIT-" Before the raging reptile could finish, Kris had gotten between the two of us. They uttered one singular word.


That one word had stopped us from bickering again. Their voice sounded neither feminine nor masculine. It was too low to be lady-like but too soft to be a man. It also held a commanding and authoritative tone, they should speak more.

The tall, useless reptile uttered a 'Whatever' and followed Kris, leaving me at the back of the train.

"Lead the way, Kris!" I guessed she hated me, I had to admit, it was pretty petty for someone like her.

Kris began to walk at a faster pace, I had to admit, it was quite difficult to catch up. I guessed they wanted to get into the action too?

"Huff... puff... What, you wanna make it a race?" Before we could reply, Susie had ran away. I glanced towards Kris, they looked at me and shook their head, as if to say 'Don't follow her'. That was all the clarification I needed to trust Kris. I mean, they seem like they knew the place so it's better to follow someone who knew what they were doing rather than someone who was winging it.

There was a peaceful serenity in the atmosphere, the soft clacking of our feet, the mild clashing of Kris' armor and a slight zephyr that danced with my (Hair Colour/HC) hair. I didn't know a wind could form in a cave but it did and it was so calming...

There was a cliff ahead, and one of those confusing waterfalls. I knew what to do, and I'm pretty sure Kris does too.

We slid down the waterfall, again.

I recollected my balance, Kris nudged me then looked forwards.

There she was.

The devil herself.


The punky girl turned her body towards the both of us. Kris and I walked closer to her.

"Hey, Kris 'n' (Y/N). There's someone up there waving at us,"

.: Author's note :.

Hello! My dear lovely reader(s), I would like to comment on the title. If you type the word 'Pique' in Google translate, it will come up with 'pike'. I intended it to be 'lance', as it could also mean that. It can also mean 'spade'.

Cheers! (For reading this book) Au revoir!

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