Chapter 1

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Whitney's P.O.V

I ran through the traffic of people trying to get to this audition on time. If I didn't get this one, I had no idea what to do next.

I finally arrived at the building and they were calling a group in, I walked up to the lady.

"Um, I don't know if you have already called my name. It's Whitney Andros."

"Sorry, we called you 10 minutes ago." She said and closed the door.

I sighed and stormed out. Not knowing where to go next, I just leaned against the building and pulled out my phone. I clicked on Nathan's number but hesitated on clicking the call button.

I didn't know how long I was standing there but I decided not to call him. I pushed off the building and immediately hit someone. I fell back and my back and head hit the concrete.

"Fuck!" I yelled. I started to sit up when someone pulled me up by my arms.

"Sorry about that, didn't see you walking there." A guy in a sombrero said, I had to admit this guy is attractive. I smiled at him.

"Well not many people do, if your not big in LA not many people see you, but I um have to go so bye." I said and started to walk away when someone grabbed my arm. I turned around to see the same guy I knocked over.

"No wait, I mean, how about I just buy you a drink, as an apology?" He asked. I laughed slightly.

"But I knocked you over." I smiled at him.

"Just let me buy you a drink!" He laughed. I laughed and nodded.

"Alright, you can buy me a drink!" He smiled and we started walking somewhere, I had no idea where.

"So I never got your name." He said.

"Whitney, and yours is?" I asked looking at him.

"Eddy, and this is Sean and Jason." He said pointing to two other guys in sombrero's.

"So before we get this drink, you guys are changing right?" I asked, pointing at the costumes.

Eddy looked at Sean and Jason, then at his costume, then me. "Yeah!" He said and I laughed.

After a good twenty minute walk we got to their apartment. We walked inside and I sat on the couch as they changed. Eddy came out without his shirt and it took everything I had not to stare at his abs. Lord Jesus, someone help me!

My phone started playing Every Little Step by Bobby Brown. He laughed at me. "Shut up! It's a good song!" I looked down and it was Nathan, I felt the smile drop from my face.

"You okay?" He asked and I nodded. "Yeah, I just have to take this." I stepped to the other side of the room.




Hey sis, how did the audition go this morning?

It didn't go, because the streets were so crowded I couldn't get there on time!

Whitney, if you want to make it you need to be there on time and be professional!

Well I would if you didn't take both our checks from mom and dad's life insurance, I would have somewhere to live and a car to get places on time!

That's not my problem, there's a reason I keep life insurance on you too!

Well take it off!

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