I Love it.

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Here is a bit of fluff ❤️

"Come on Peter, we're gonna be late!" Pepper whisper-shouted at her four year old son.

"I'm Coming, Mommy!" A voice shouted from down the hallway, as a small head of curly brown hair stumbled into the kitchen.

Pepper laughed.

He excitedly said, "Mommy, can I have some fwench-fwies?"

Pepper had promised him earlier if he got down before 1:00, he would get some of his favorite food, French fries.

"Yes sweetie, I'll cook them." A smile erupted on the young kids face.

"Can you grab the ketchup?" She asked as she took the fries out of the oven.

"Yes!" He shouted, before getting up and running as fast as his little legs could take him to the fridge.

Pepper set the fries on the countertop, and Peter squeezed some ketchup on the side.

"I'm going to write Daddy a note telling him we are going shopping." Peter looked excited, "For Daddy's Day!" Pepper looked down smiling, "Yep, for Daddy's Day."

Pepper quickly scribbled a note on a sticky note, before grabbing her purse. "Come on Peter!" The child got up so quickly he flipped his dish over. He looked down in shame. "It's okay, we can clean it up when we get back!" Pepper said.


Tony was done.

This stupid meeting was going overtime, and he was itching to get out.

"That's all for today, and questions?" The presenter asked.

Tony just got up said, "Nice lecture, next time make it shorter." Before leaving. 

He jumped into the pulled up limo with Happy in the front.

"Tony did you hear?" He said worriedly.

"Hear what?" He suddenly got nervous.

"The tower had a break in!" Happy stated. "And that stupid oaf of a security chief, let it happen!"


"I know! He doesn't know anything! I could do better than him! That's it, you fire him, and hire me!" Happy said, as if he planned saying that all along.

"Get me to the tower immediately." Tony said in a steel voice.

Tony was worried for his wife and son. We they hurt? Were they taken to get to him? Did someone kill them?

He started to panic (A/N oH mY gOd It'S rObErT dOwNeY jR!)

As soon as they arrived, Tony jumped out and ran to the private elevator. "FRIDAY, take me upstairs as fast as you can."

He barely felt the elevator jolt upwards.
He was in a state of protection. He needed to protect Pepper. He needed to protect Peter. If he didn't, it was on himself.

The elevator doors dinged open, and Tony ran out. He yelled the names of his family through the hallways, until he reached the kitchen. He was horrified by what he saw. A letter saying, bye Tony, covered in a red substance.

They're dead. Tony collapsed to the ground. He couldn't protect his family. The most important things to him, gone. He started crying. He swore he heard Pepper and Peter whispers traveling through his ears.

The hallucinations.

"Daddy!" Tony looked up and saw Peter, with his hands behind his back. Pepper walked in behind him.

"What?" Tony was confused. "Happy, said there was a break in, then I couldn't find you guys, then there was a letter, saying bye Tony, covered in red shit!"

Pepper glared at him for cursing.

"...shiitake mushrooms." Pepper rolled her eyes.

"Pete, you want to show him what we did today?"

The little ball of excitement nodded dramatically.

He shoved whatever was behind his back into Tony's hands.

Tony looked down and saw a mug. On it, it, on Peters four year old handwriting, said, 'I love you Daddy! Happy Daddy's Day! Love Peter' Tony looked up with tears in his eyes.

"Y-You don't like it D-Daddy?" Peter said disappointment evident in his voice.

"I love it."

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